
Zhangzhou, located at the southern end of the Golden Triangle in southern Fujian, is a famous cultural city with a long history. The urban development with both a beautiful ecological environment and profound cultural heritage presents a unique temperament of humanistic progress.


C&D Shanwaishan Clubhouse is located in the Mayangxi tourist area in Zhangzhou. The northeast side is Tianzhushan National Forest Park. It has a high-quality original ecological mountain forest landscape. It is surrounded by Mayangxi River on the west side and has rich mountains and rivers.

Based on the unique ecological environment where the project is located, the designer follows the way of nature, insists on natural materials, upholds the meaning of nature, and integrates cultural characteristics, presenting it in the space in the form of contemporary art.
Hope to provide a new place for modern urban people to meet with nature and people, create an urban micro-vacation lifestyle of "pleasure for those who are near, and come for those who are far away", and use the daily stories of rising and falling to trace a state of returning to tranquility.


Follow the way of nature and pursue the truth of pure inner space.

Here, isolation is never the goal. In the busy world, there is a need for such a place to return to the original and return to the true nature, to accommodate the various forms of the world, and at the same time to let go of unnecessary obsessions in the heart, accompanied by mountains and rivers, poetry and wine, and savor the true meaning and fun of life.
Follow the laws of nature to design, without deliberately restricting and moving the space, and pursue the pure truth of the inner space. Taking people's spiritual feelings as the starting point, using art and culture to create a time-sensitive spatial artistic conception, the oriental elegance and contemporary coexistence, using design to guide the moving line, changing scenes from place to place, and constantly shaping the perception and emotions of guests.

The beauty of the East lies in its gentleness. The overall interpretation of the oriental artistic conception is in a subtle way. The large gray stone and linear wooden grille endow the space with simplicity and warmth. The low-key and real texture changes and quiet and light colors awaken the senses with details, making the atmosphere of the overall space comfortable and relaxed.

The art installation uses the process of a boat full of berries to grow wantonly, interpreting the vitality of vitality, injecting rhythm into the solidified space with beautiful pictures, bright berry red dilutes the dark color to bring a sense of thickness, and brings dazzling brilliance to the quiet space.

The local cultural element—the tortoise seal is extracted with pure artistic aesthetics, and the glazed craft is used to present the artistic order with a sense of array, telling the elegance of southern Fujian culture. While experiencing the ancient and modern diverse cultures, it enhances the artistic charm of the overall space and the sense of reception ceremony.

Focus on the balance between modern texture and traditional artistic conception.

Stepping into the cloudscape restaurant, the oncoming nature and tranquility are sublimated by the texture of stone and logs. The clouds outside the window seem to be close to your feet, and you can feel the emotion of nature; drink here, taste all the flavors of the world, and enjoy the aura of freedom.

“艺术的使命不是模仿自然,而是表现自然。” 巴尔扎克曾如此说道。落地窗将窗外层叠山峦自然引入室内,与空间内敛质朴的安然气度相得益彰,空间与自然形成对话,又相融于彼此。
"The mission of art is not to imitate nature, but to express nature." Balzac once said. The floor-to-ceiling windows naturally introduce the cascading mountains outside the window into the room, which complements the restrained and simple tranquility of the space. The space and nature form a dialogue and blend with each other.

The space design and soft furnishings have become a harmonious whole, different from the traditional elegant and ingenious layout, and more concerned about the balance between modern texture and traditional artistic conception. The screens and artistic floral installations full of oriental connotations guide people's moving lines and let people enter different spaces.

The hot spring pool area uses the shape of the building structure to conceive the meaning of space, and the rhythm changes of lines and surfaces reflect the simplicity and tension of the space. Sit by the pool, look at the distant mountains, feel the joy of getting along with nature in the tranquility at this moment, and slow down with a state of mind similar to meditation, and feel the quiet power of the moment together.

Filter the hustle and bustle and create a quiet and clean space.

In a quiet and clean environment, the functions of the areas do not interfere with each other, but they communicate with each other—the front hall of the nursing area serves as a transition of space, filtering out the noise and glitz, and extending through the entire space with simple blocks, so that the space exudes the essence of innocence.

Walk through the long corridor and then enter the SPA care space. The ingenious space design details focus on aesthetics and functionality while maintaining oriental elegance. The change of lighting adds calm and privacy to the space, creating a place for complete relaxation.

The designer uses aesthetics as a tool, and the expressions and definitions of beauty in different spaces are different. Through the control of elements such as color and material, and with local landscaping, the natural atmosphere is brought into the space atmosphere, and the inner experience and feelings of Shu Lang are highlighted in the details.

Spiritual dialogue with nature, the leisurely atmosphere is rendered to the extreme.

The landscape and greenery in the central courtyard render the atmosphere to the extreme. The wide view and wide windows allow the gentle interaction between man and nature to unfold slowly. The sunlight flows and diffuses, and the wind blows the branches and leaves to bring the natural green swaying.

Walking slowly among the interlaced light and shadow, with the help of natural light and shadow, you can feel the four seasons. On the basis of retaining the origin of oriental culture, the public corridor does not strip its rhyme, and takes the meaning instead of the shape. The intervention of light makes the rhythm, the great beauty of oriental culture, infinitely extend.

The oriental philosophy, which is well versed in architectural culture, allows nature and architecture to reflect each other - using the technique of white space to see the big from the small, to achieve the effect of unity with the dark eaves tiles and plain walls of the building. The collision of oriental aesthetics and modern aesthetics makes guests feel relaxed and happy as they move.

Above the sea of clouds, the time is long; overlooking the green mountains and forests in the distance, and the warm pool and clear water in the near; during the sunrise and sunset, all the trivial things turn into emptiness, and there is quite a leisurely state of "I don't know where I live, and what year it is."
Find a tranquility among the mountains, forests and seas of clouds, feel the beauty of nature under the welcome of the mountain breeze, have a spiritual dialogue with nature in the silent space, forget the troubles of the world, and reach unprecedented comfort-the quiet beauty is beyond the world, only The Shanwaishan.

项目名称:建发 · 山外山会所
Project Name: C&D Shanwaishan Clubhouse
项目地点:中国 · 漳州
Project Location: Zhangzhou,China
Project Area: 3000㎡
Interior Design: Z.POWER DESIGN


General Design Controller: Wang Kewei


Hardcover Team: Hao Wei,Zhou Chaoming,Lv Jiaqi

Decoration Design: EGD DESIGN


Chief Designers: Sici Chen, Carina Xu,Shirley Duan


Decoration Design Team: Luo Rui,Liu Xuejia,Zheng Chunxiong

Property Owner:C&D Real Estate Zhangzhou Division
Party A Team:Wu Jingchang,Ma Tian, Wang Jianbin
Photography: Lu Haha
“Z”是代表无限可能,“ . ”是温度,小而耀眼,“POWER”是力量,是自我突破,不断生长的状态。逻辑、温度、创新是零次方的设计核心。零次方设计屡获国内外设计奖项,设计作品遍布全国各大城市,秉承“国际思维·东方美学”的设计理念,以创造客户价值为出发点,传递项目人文和品牌内涵。通过设计语言回归生活美学的本质,赋予空间更具深度的多维认知和感悟。

EGD 亦境设计品牌创立于2015年,专注于为各行业提供极具创意与魅力的室内设计、软装设计及产品一体化的设计服务。服务业态包含销售中心、会所、别墅、商业空间、展示样板间、酒店、办公空间及高端私宅等;以实战践行空间与自然、人文的融合,追求极致的空间体验,致力通过设计持续为客户创造最大价值。

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
     排版 Editor:Lu JY     校对 Proof:Xran    
图片版权 Copyright :零次方设计 x 亦境设计
