Akurat Studio,是波兰的沿海城市格但斯克一家独特的设计工作室。最初由设计师Maciej Ryniewicz和他的搭档Rafał Kaletowski共同成立于2016年,自2022年起,Maciej Ryniewicz便开始独立主持和运营该工作室。
Akurat Studio is a unique design Studio in the coastal city of Gdańsk, Poland. Founded in 2016 by designer Maciej Ryniewicz and his partner Rafał Kaletowski, Maciej Ryniewicz has been running the studio independently since 2022.
Akurat Studio的名字来源于拉丁语的“Accūrātus”,意思为 “精确、细致、谨小慎微”。表达了工作室成员对待工作的热情和态度,他们认为这些关键因素最能影响项目的设计过程和整体的设计方法。
Akurat Studio's name comes from the Latin "Accūrātus," which means "precise, meticulous, and discreet." It expresses the passion and attitude of the studio members towards their work, and they believe that these key factors can most influence the design process of the project and the overall design approach.
该工作室专注于家具产品、建筑和室内设计以及平面视觉与品牌推广,这种一应俱全的涉及和工作方法使他们的作品更具原创性。Akurat Studio热衷于与有着共同价值观的业主合作,他们始终相信设计的力量能产生多层次的影响,并且他们充分的意识到每个新项目都是一种学习和发展的机会,所以始终都抱有谦逊的求知欲。
The studio specialises in furniture products, architecture and interior design, as well as graphic vision and branding. This all-encompassing approach and approach makes their work more original. Akurat Studio is passionate about working with clients who share the same values. They always believe in the power of design to have a multi-layered impact, and they are fully aware that every new project is an opportunity for learning and development, so they always have a humble curiosity for knowledge.
Maciej Ryniewicz毕业于格但斯克理工大学建筑学院,是一名拥有极强自学能力的平面设计师和室内建筑师。作为一个怀揣着理想的设计师,他严于律己,并对事物保持着怀疑的态度,而这种信念也是他原始的动力来源,同时促使他找到各种设计问题的独特和最佳解决方案。在他看来,“风格”不一定是与纯粹的美学体验相关,也可以体现于工作的方式方法上。
Maciej Ryniewicz graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Gdansk Polytechnic University. He is a graphic designer and interior architect with strong self-learning ability. As a designer with an ideal, he is self-disciplined and skeptical, and this belief is his original source of motivation, as well as prompting him to find unique and optimal solutions to various design problems. In his opinion, "style" is not necessarily related to pure aesthetic experience, but can also be reflected in the way of work.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Akurat Studio

