澳洲知名设计师Cassie James-Herrick,以低调而独特的住宅设计而闻名。她追求精湛的工艺和细节的构造,设计犹如其人一样温暖、朴实。作为CJH Studio的创始人,带领着团队在住宅、零售、商业、造型设计等领域不断探索,丰富的经验使他们熟稔于设计过程的各个环节。

Renowned Australian designer Cassie James-Herrick is known for her understated and unique residential designs. She pursues exquisite craftsmanship and detailed construction, and the design is as warm and simple as the person. As the founder of CJH Studio, he leads the team in the field of residential, retail, commercial, modeling design, etc., and their rich experience makes them familiar with all aspects of the design process.

Bungalow N



The house blends architectural tradition with a modern lifestyle while perfectly reflecting the owner's personality and taste. As one moves through soft Spaces that complement their appearance, a sense of immersion arises. The first half is mainly a living space, characterized by dark green and blue, evoking changes in mood; The new rear extension features cream, taupe and metallic hues, with marble, one of the most iconic features of the original site, connecting the entrance.

House E


CJH Studio巧妙地平衡了古典装饰与现代主义的关系,在一系列精心设计的精致空间之中捕捉到了一种稳定的情绪,营造出熟悉而温暖的氛围,通过简洁的线性元素和纯粹色调的变化来提升日常的居住体验。因而新家以中性色为主基调,结合美国橡木、浅色大理石、黄铜细节等,打造一个柔和且舒适的生活环境。

CJH Studio cleverly balances classical decor with modernism, capturing a steady mood in a series of carefully designed, sophisticated Spaces that create a familiar and warm atmosphere that elevates the everyday living experience through simple linear elements and pure tudinal variations. Therefore, the new home is based on neutral colors, combined with American oak, light marble, brass details, etc., to create a soft and comfortable living environment.

LD Studio


为了契合业主的审美和日常需求,CJH Studio在不影响住宅整体氛围的前提下,采用了一种更有质感和克制表达方式,灵活规划主要区域之间的开放性,同时保持了与原住宅相似的形式和联系,进而以材料、体量和尺度构建宁静的环境,自然与建筑之间的互动使住宅达到了某种微妙的平衡。

In order to meet the owner's aesthetic and daily needs, CJH Studio adopts a more textured and restrained expression without affecting the overall atmosphere of the house, flexibly planning the openness between the main areas, while maintaining the form and connection similar to the original house, and then constructing a peaceful environment with materials, volume and scale. The interaction between nature and architecture allows the house to achieve a delicate balance.

Cassie James-Herrick


Q1. 什么样的机缘巧合下让您在2017年成立了CJH工作室?

Q1. What led you to establish CJH Studio in 2017?

Cassie James-Herrick我出生于维多利亚的乡下,高中时就在墨尔本一家知名室内设计公司实习。之后,我就读于墨尔本的RMIT,期间曾去一家小型的设计工作室兼职。在我以优异的成绩毕业后获得了转正的机会,在此工作了十一年多,直至2017年成立了自己的工作室。我很喜欢之前的工作,但是家庭生活、地理位置以及我日益增长的创作激情让我有了走出去的勇气,尝试带领着自己的工作室去独立探索。

I am from a small town in rural Victoria. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to complete my work experience during high school at an amazing Melbourne-based interior design firm and moved to Melbourne for university. I completed my degree at RMIT University with first-class honors and was lucky enough to work part-time at a small design firm, where I was eventually hired for a full-time position upon my completion of my degree. I then worked at this firm for over 11 years before establishing my own in 2017. I loved my role at my previous position; however, a change in family life, location and a growing desire to expand my creative passions ultimately led to gaining the courage to step out and explore this with my own studio.

Q2. 作为室内设计师,您是如何定义自己的审美观念?

Q2. How would you describe your aesthetic as an interior designer?

Cassie James-Herrick:我认为是精致、温暖、深思熟虑、永恒和富有质感,注重石材、木材、陶瓷以及纺织品等天然材料的表达,共同构成了我审美观念的组成部分。

Cassie James-Herrick:I’d like to think that my aesthetic is refined, warm, considered, timeless and textural with a focus on natural materials like stone, timber, ceramics and textiles.

Q3. 您觉得自己一直被哪些色彩、质地和材料所吸引?

Q3. Are there any colors, textures and materials you find yourself continually drawn to?

Cassie James-Herrick:对我而言,我更喜欢中性色调和自然材料,因为它们具有经典的魅力,但我也喜欢使用不同但有着关联性的色调和质地以呈现独特的温暖、趣味和触感。中性色是一个很好的基础色调,可以在此基础上使用其它对比鲜明的材料或色彩混合,让一切都变得生动。

Naturally, I am more drawn to neutral tones and materials for their more classic appeal, but I love to then build on these with varying tones and textures to bring warmth, interest and tactility. These tones then allow a great base palette on which to build upon with other contrasting materials and colors that bring it all to life.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :CJH Studio
