Countless people come and go, but few people want to stay.
As a vibrant city full of passion and dreams, Shenzhen has never lacked fresh and fun ideas and endless concepts. Deeply rooted in the city's genes of the pursuit and love of life, the holiday image is set as a wallpaper, and the taste of midsummer is retained within the square inch of Haibei Bay Miyue Boutique Hotel.
Not escape, just blending
At the beginning of the design, the designer wanted to explore a possibility through the creation of this holiday space and lifestyle: to build a free space that can still bring beauty and joy to the side while providing a natural touch and romantic experience. People share, whether familiar or unfamiliar, to form a relaxed expression atmosphere and leisure state.
Based on the exploration of vacation space, the first floor of the building strengthens the interactive relationship in the form of open space, forming a variety of possibilities of space. The overall vision and space are integrated, and a new social "happening field" is formed by the soft external light.
The rich wooden furniture in the public area conveys warmth to the mood of the space with soft texture. The growth rings of trees are engraved with the traces of the past years, and also convey the design concept that urban people have the courage to break free from the constraints of the city and devote themselves to nature.
Short-term emptying and situational experience are a good way to return to the concrete forest to create a run again. Through the cycle of this process, everyone can build their own new understanding and thinking about the way of life.
How to realize the identity transformation of the participants from the urban scene mode to the natural habitat, and reduce the psychological state of nervousness and alertness, has become the primary problem that designers need to solve. GS Design tries to give a new definition of vacation experience through this contradictory sense of hedging and continuity, that is, by feeling the vigorous vitality of nature , continuously injecting energy and inspiration into the rushing rhythm of the city. 
De-stylized styles have become one of the dominant design methods today, and their influence can be seen everywhere from architecture to interiors. In order to reflect the neat and urban feel of minimalism, white space is the most commonly used expression method by designers. But it does not mean to deliberately avoid design, but to keep the space in the most simple and relaxed state.
GS Design chooses to use the concept of "Road to Simplicity" throughout the whole process of shaping the space: the overall atmosphere is rendered with a simple and soft background, and attention is paid to the space leftover and the communication between inside and outside the building; as for soft furnishings, cotton and linen are preferred. The soft touch of the fabric and the patterns with rich national characteristics are embellished to create a "soft" spiritual world with rich imagination space.
每个人都会有POWER OFF 的至暗时刻,也会向往短暂的逃离。而设计的本质,在功能性和情感之间寻求一个平衡,让使用者在被主题化的空间里找到自我认同。从进入房间的瞬间,迎面而来是碧波的无限包容。通过大面积落地开窗,将环境的生动触感引入到室内,窗外的山海与绿荫争先恐后地跳脱到面前,鲜活而美好。
Everyone will have the darkest moment of power off, and will also yearn for a short escape. The essence of design seeks a balance between functionality and emotion, allowing users to find self-identity in the themed space. From the moment of entering the room, the oncoming face is the infinite tolerance of Bibo. Through large-scale floor-to-ceiling windows, the vivid touch of the environment is introduced into the interior.
The urban energy endurance is full of romance and sentiment: it doesn't matter how many people you stay, it doesn't matter how long you stay, enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the moment, and devote yourself to the busy rhythm of the city after turning around. This kind of switching is the driving supply that the value of design gives to the development of the city, and it is also the concept of multi-lifestyle that the Miyue brand wants to express, projecting the closeness of nature to the eyebrows of every occupant, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the sound of waves and insects Reverberating in my ears, they form wonderful notes, connecting with the city and watching each other.
Project Name:MIYUE Anna Garden Seaview Boutique Resort Shenzhen
Project Location:Nan'ao, Shenzhen
Project Area:830m²
Completion Date:May 2022
Owner:Shenzhen MIYUE Hotel Management Company
Interior and Soft Decoration:GS Design
Designer:Li Liangchao, Huang Yuanman
Decoration Director:Feng Yu
Participating Designer: Li Chao 
Photographer:Ao Xiang

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
     排版 Editor:Xran    校对 Proof:Lu JY     
图片版权 Copyright :埂上设计
