——比尔克 · 英格斯

I believe that architecture, like everything else in life, is evolutionary. Ideas are evolving; They didn't come from outer space and hit the drawing board.—— Bjarke · Ingels

HOMI 项目视频

The project is located in Chengdu ICP Huanhui, as the "core" area of the CBD of the high-tech zone, stopping in the center of the city, the horse and the car, thousands of pieces of glass, meet to form a curtain. Bustling and hustle, in a high frequency attitude "dynamic floating".

The city that has never slowed down pulls the limited feeling farther away, repeatedly, tearing, and finally disappearing. It is as if everyone were covered with fire, constant passion, momentarily lit, and at the last instant extinguished.

物欲之横流,如同不知疲倦的死海。FAN JIN设计主创团队试图追寻一种极具生命力的「静态流动」:沉稳而有力量、温润而又有锋芒,这是一种割裂自我的救赎,也终将和浩瀚无垠的空间融为一体。

The flow of material desires is like the tireless Dead Sea. The FAN JIN design team tries to pursue a very vigorous "static flow": calm and powerful, warm and sharp, which is a kind of self-cutting redemption, and will eventually merge with the vast space.

—— 格伦 · 默卡特 
Life is not about maximizing everything, but about giving something back, such as light, space, form, tranquility, joy.——Glenn · Murcutt


Pilates' core philosophy is to "put the body in the right position", feel the tension of life with your heart, achieve a better balance between force and beauty between breaths, and the aerobic soul blooms in every moment.




Everything in the world has an "arc" of growth, and the "sky" is used to describe the dynamic "migration" of the entire space, awakening the experience that exists in the unknown.

设计手稿 /Design manuscripts



The mystery of the dunes begins with a romantic fantasy. The commonality of the original ecology gives the space a more thorough sense of breathing. Tracing back to the source, this is the burst of imagination, and the harmony of "singleness" creates a unique artistic rhythm.

爆炸图分析 /Explode analysis


The open layout stretches the field of vision vertically and horizontally, and the height brings the ultimate sense of tranquility and wrapping. The space spreads brightly on the edge of the sky, and the core structure is shaped in a "flowing" way from top to bottom.


Nature has no boundaries, dissociating between virtual and real. The translucent window screen hides the light, is delicate and soft, invisible, incomplete and complete, interweaving the agility of the space in this haze, arousing the desire of the crowd to explore.


The dust is shining, half visible. In the basic expression of space, individual comfort comes from the delicate balance between "real sense" and natural expression.


Parallel Universe

We use space art to explore the mysteries of the universe and dimensions. The reverse consistency of the structure builds a visually stunning cosmic imagination.

▲图源来自Behance@Stuart Lippincott

The entanglement of quantum mechanics has created parallel universes, where we are all individuals derived from the interlacing of parallel space-time, and small differences will change the original trajectory. It's the unknown, it's the unknowable, and that's what we explore.


Parading through space, like riding a spaceship through the stars, uses a futuristic narrative method, adopts symmetrical techniques in parallel space, undulates and responds, and constitutes absolute balance. In migration, everything has a different cycle.




Between half summer and half sleep, encounter the perfect balance between body and mind. FAN JIN design has always emphasized walking between the inside and outside, enhancing the emotional value of the space, and awakening the resonance of inner feelings. Tranquility and romance, transformation and transcendence, are like ethereal spaces.



We are not getting older year after year, but we are getting new day after day.——Emily Dickinson


Surrounding the space in a forward direction, from the large open scene to the ups and downs of the structure, complete an overall change of mood, repeatedly jumping between bounded and unbounded. The large area of floor-to-ceiling Windows bring the ultimate visual feast, the change of light and shadow, full of warm yellow dream, as if everything is floating like a dream fragment.


In the treatment of materials, micro-cement, wooden flooring and soft film harmonize the warmth of the entire space. The lighting creates a special image floating and the flow change of space through the contrast of light and dark, gathering and layering, further optimizing the texture of the entire space.


Practicing in the city, anxious to escape the hustle and bustle, in a state of emptiness, is the spread of another life system, reclaiming the resonance of the individual with the surrounding environment,and growing upward inabundance.

项目名称平行宇宙 | HOMI 普拉提

Project Name: Parallel Universe | HOMI PILATES


Project Location: Chengdu,china


Interior Design: FAN JIN Design CoLtd,Chengdu

设计面积200 ㎡

Design Area: 200 ㎡

Creative Director: Xiao Yulong

主案设计肖玉龙/FAN JIN 繁锦设计

Master Case Design: Xiao Yulong/FAN JIN Design


DeepeningDesign: Wei Lanying, Deng Yutong,Dai Lei, Yu Lishan, Tang Jiaming, Wang Zhili, Chen Shiyu

Photography: Puyou/Youyu


Project Writing: Yang Mei

设计时间:  2023.04

Design Time: April 2023


Completion Time: June 2023


FAN JIN 繁锦设计创始人


成都繁锦室内设计有限公司,亦可称为 FAN JIN DESIGN繁锦设计,寓意心有繁花似锦,眼有星辰大海。FAN JIN DESIGN团队秉承“为极致艺术美学提案”这一理念塑造不同的空间维度,专注于建筑景观室内一体化空间设计、软装配饰设计领域,服务范畴包括商业空间、酒店空间、会所空间、办公空间、售楼中心等。

作为综合性专业设计公司我们致力为甲方提供设计、硬装、软装、艺术品的全案解决方案。FAN JIN DESIGN将艺术和技术完美的有机结合,实现有灵魂高品质的设计作品,为每一个项目营造出无限的可能性和未来性。

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
     排版 Editor:Lu JY     校对 Proof:Xran    
图片版权 Copyright :繁锦设计
