Dorothee is a French artist and designer, as well as a perfectionist. In each project, she tries her best to make the concept and elements consistent, avoiding the excessive expression of decoration, but pursuing a pure space that can truly reflect the owner's personality, which can be exchanged with others, shared and worth exploring.

Hotel Montesol


Dorothee Meilichzon在西班牙Montesol酒店的室内注入了波西米亚的色彩,清爽、平静的颜色缓解了Balearic群岛的炎热气候,华丽的面料点缀着引人注目的图案,并与流苏和绒球相辅相成。其中,宇宙的主题元素随处可见,从月亮雕刻到黄铜太阳再到宇宙天体,通过灰色、浅绿色和一些柔和的色调来呈现。
Dorothee Meilichzon infuses the interior of the Montesol Hotel in Spain with Bohemian hues, refreshing, calming colors that ease the hot climate of the Balearic Islands, gorgeous fabrics embellished with striking patterns and complemented by tassels and pompoms. The thematic elements of the universe are everywhere, from moon carvings to brassy SUNS to cosmic celestial bodies, presented in shades of gray, light green and some pastel tones.

Hotel Regina Biarritz

"美好时代 "建筑

Regina Biarritz酒店建于1906年,位于Biarritz的悬崖上,可以俯瞰大西洋,是一座“美好时代”的建筑。Dorothée将此作为切入点,并融入了同一时期的当地灵感和一些来自大西洋的典型元素。房间主要以白色、蓝色和薄荷绿为主;水疗中心是浅蓝色和温暖的绿色;通向中庭的走廊铺着水生动物图案的地毯,它们回应着当地的自然环境和海洋生态系统。

The Regina Biarritz, built in 1906 on the cliffs of Biarritz overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, is a "Belle Epoque" building. Dorothee uses this as an entry point and incorporates local inspiration from the same period and some typical elements from the Atlantic. The rooms are mainly white, blue and mint green; The spa is light blue and warm green; The corridor leading to the atrium is carpeted with aquatic animal patterns that respond to the local natural environment and Marine ecosystem.

Cosmic Theater Paris



The design of this bar in Saint-Germain Mandelpe, Paris, is inspired by the spirit of another world, but the studio also wanted to return to the historical atmosphere of the neighborhood, aiming to reflect the past. People are attracted by the overhanging fabric, exquisite decoration and upholstered walls at the entrance, and at every step, there is a unique scene hidden in every corner by the small sofa, which seems to tell a vivid story.

Cowley Manor



Originally built in 1695, the manor house has been renovated and remodeled several times and is now a hotel with horse stables. The new extension, which includes 36 rooms, a large spa, two swimming pools, restaurants, library, etc., is inspired by the building itself, and based on this, Dorothee mixes geometric elements from different eras and diverse styles to pay homage to the history of the estate.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Dorothee Meilichzon
