FIELD Architecture是一家提供全方位服务的设计公司,位于美国的加州,旨在创造融入环境的建筑形式,增强个体与场地之间的联系。事务所由Stan FieldJess Field父子二人领导,他们认为设计灵感的诞生,源于充满乐观主义的精神及人的敏锐感知和有效管理意识之间互动与协作的结果。
FIELD Architecture is a full-service design firm based in California, USA, that aims to create architectural forms that integrate into the environment and enhance the connection between the individual and the site. The firm is led by father and son duo Stan Field and Jess Field, who believe that the design inspiration is born from the spirit of optimism and the interaction and collaboration between acute human perception and effective management.

The architects believe that architecture is a part of nature and enables humans to become "part" of nature again, rather than "separate" from it. Therefore, at the beginning of each project, a comprehensive understanding and research of the site were carried out, which was summarized by them as "site science". From an early design conception, the designer should pay homage to the site and explore its unique site environment, physical resources and historical context.

It is extremely important to listen or learn about the lifestyle, culture and sensory experiences of each place. They use a combination of form, materials, space and light to present the essential character of the building by combining site conditions and the owner's vision. The end result is to discover how the building becomes a harmonious part of the site, and then to establish a new dialogue between the occupants and the environment.

FIELD Architecture深刻地认识到,建筑是艺术与科学、功能与形式等整体的完美集合。因此,他们行之有效的设计方法是将具有创造性的洞察力与专业技术相适应,创造出具有思想性、启发性、可持续性和诚实的建筑空间。
FIELD Architecture is deeply aware that architecture is the perfect combination of art and science, function and form. Thus, their proven approach is to combine creative insight with technical expertise to create Spaces that are thoughtful, inspiring, sustainable and honest.

内容策划 Present
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校对 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Field Architecture
