Alexander&CO是一家总部位于悉尼的建筑设计事务所,由当地新生代设计师Jeremy Bull创建于2013年,业务主要涉及商业、住宅等。自学生时期开始,Jeremy Bull就对绘画艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣,使得艺术构成了他生活中不可或缺的部分。

Alexander& Co is a Sydney-based architectural design firm founded in 2013 by local new generation designer Jeremy Bull, mainly involved in commercial and residential business. Since his student days, Jeremy Bull has developed a strong interest in the art of painting, making art an integral part of his life.

NoMad House


NoMad住宅位于悉尼Surry Hills的一座低层塔楼内,之前被用作仓储和其他商业用途。如今的业主是一对酷爱旅行的夫妇,他们希望拥有一处能够放松身心、感受平静并完全沉浸其中的舒适空间,所以委托Alexander&CO将其改造成具有画廊以及艺术家工作室意韵的私人公寓。

The NoMad house is located in a low-rise tower block in Sydney's Surry Hills and was previously used for storage and other commercial purposes. The current owners, a couple who love to travel, wanted a comfortable space where they could relax, feel calm and completely immerse themselves, so they commissioned Alexander& Co to transform it into a private apartment with the charm of a gallery and an artist's studio.


The three-bedroom, two-bedroom apartment features typical industrial architecture: concrete floors, exposed trusses, wide structural columns and industrial-style steel doors and Windows. Rather than demolish them, the designers chose to reinterpret them in a more modern way. The theme of the interior is "roaming", which creates a unique space experience like a gallery, emphasizing the dialogue and interaction between people and space.

The Gully Penthouse


The Gully顶层公寓有着俯瞰Tamarama山谷的景观视野,内部以大地色系为基调,体现出温润的质感和自然的构成元素。为了适应当下的生活方式,并合理地利用场地环境,借以扩展住宅内部尺度,同时通过另一种体块的形式,以构建新的露台、卧室和浴室空间。

The Gully Penthouse has views over the Tamarama Valley, and the interior is characterized by earth tones that reflect warm textures and natural compositions. In order to adapt to the current lifestyle and make proper use of the site environment, the internal scale of the house is extended, while the new terrace, bedroom and bathroom Spaces are constructed through another volume form.

Alexander& Co took into account the livability and practicality of the house and extended part of the area outwards to add a new landscaped garden. The outdoor terrace is an effective extension of the interior of the house, allowing it to have a closer connection with nature, enhancing internal and external ventilation while also introducing natural light into the interior. The original entry level layout was redesigned, with the new floor planned as a master suite and roof terrace.
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Alexander&Co
