Faulkner Architects是一家总部位于加利福尼亚的建筑设计工作室,由创始人Greg Faulkner成立于1999年。工作室希望将精湛的工艺及独特的设计创意融入于理想的建筑之中,并在此过程,他们十分注重与客户、建造者、供应商之间的互动和沟通。
Faulkner Architects is a California-based architectural design studio founded in 1999 by founder Greg Faulkner. The studio wanted to bring craftsmanship and unique design ideas into the architecture of their dreams, and in doing so, they paid close attention to the interaction and communication with clients, builders and suppliers.
Faulkner Kundig House
Faulkner Kundig 住宅,由Olson Kundig和Faulkner Architects 合作设计,坐落于加州Tahoe附近的一片黄松林中。Faulkner 夫妇在此地购置了一片2.5英亩的土地,并建造了一座占地面积约为503平方米的独栋住宅。该住宅经过了18个月的设计和建造,最终的实景呈现给人带来一种“在森林中徒步旅行”的感觉。
The Faulkner Kundig House, designed by Olson Kundig and Faulkner Architects, is located in a ponderosa pine forest near Tahoe, California. The Faulkners bought a 2.5-acre lot and built a single-family home on 503 square meters. The house took 18 months to design and build, and the final physical presentation gives the feeling of "hiking through the forest".
The different functional rooms are arranged in a U-shaped corridor, with the master bedroom at the end of the corridor. Two volumes, comprising the entrance, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen, connect to the base of the main structure. The breakfast room is topped by a 42-foot horizontal steel tower with two bedrooms and a rooftop terrace.
Campout House
Campout 住宅,位于美国加州的Truckee,由Faulkner Architects和Nicole Hollis合作设计。项目占地1英亩,房主希望这里能成为与世隔绝的理想居住地,以远离日常生活中的嘈杂和城市的喧嚣。Faulkner Architects为了塑造一种野外旅行的感觉和建筑的整体性,在材料的选择上有意缩小了室内外的配置差异。
Campout House, located in Truckee, California, USA, was designed by Faulkner Architects and Nicole Hollis. The 1-acre site was intended to be an ideal place to live in isolation from the noise of daily life and the hustle and bustle of the city. Faulkner Architects' choice of materials has deliberately reduced the difference between interior and exterior to create a sense of wilderness travel and integrity.
住宅围绕着一个中央庭院而展开,庭院部分被一个悬臂式的屋顶所遮盖。锈迹斑斑般古铜质感的建筑外立面,呈现出历经沉淀的岁月感。设计师Nicole Hollis希望住宅内部的不同空间之间的相互联系,使其具有气韵和视觉的流动性,而室内设计的灵感大多来源于美国简主义艺术家Donald Judd。
The house is built around a central courtyard that is partially covered by a cantilevered roof. The rusting bronze texture of the building facade shows the sense of years after precipitation. Designer Nicole Hollis wanted the interconnections between the different Spaces inside the house to give it a sense of spirit and visual fluidity, while the interior design was mostly inspired by American minimalist artist Donald Judd.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Faulkner Architects

