Studio M是一家总部位于迪拜的室内设计工作室,与常规的设计公司不同的是,他们善于与客户建立密切的关系,使得客户充分的信任他们,同时,根据实际需求实现他们的愿景,最终呈现精致的细节和创意不断的设计探索之旅。

Studio M is an interior design studio headquartered in Dubai. Different from regular design companies, they are good at building a close relationship with their clients, making them fully trust them. At the same time, they realize their vision according to the actual needs, and finally present exquisite details and creative design exploration journey.

Studio M的设计作品体现了一种纯粹性的设计策略,基于人类长期积累的各项经验和令人愉悦的生活方式的驱动,他们意识到环境对于人们来说,尤其在日常的生活之中有着极其重要的作用。
Studio M's design works embody a pure design strategy, based on the long-term accumulation of human experience and the driving of a pleasant lifestyle, they realize that the environment plays an extremely important role for people, especially in their daily life.

Therefore, they adhere to scientific working methods and honest working attitude, and devote themselves to creating emotional Spaces that resonate and inspire. Combining the different roles of architects, interior designers and furniture brands, they have always believed that space has a special invisible power that has a profound and lasting impact on human well-being.

Studio M的设计师们始终保持着好奇心和探索欲致力于想象和创造出既能引发视觉新鲜感又能让人感到真实存在的场所。虽然在设计的理念和方法上有着一致性,但每个项目在前期的调研之后,因地制宜,必然会有一些全新的创意想法出现。
Studio M designers always keep the curiosity and exploratory to imagine and create both can cause visual novelty and can let a person feel real places. Although the design concept and method are consistent, there will be some new creative ideas for each project after the preliminary research and local conditions.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Studio M
