莫斯科设计师Artem Babayants于2014年创立了自己同名的设计工作室。其主张设计的概念切入应以使用者为主要对象,注重个性化的硬性需求,并通过设计的动作呈现独特的当代生活方式。工作室新近完成的三个落地项目实践了他们关于设计的部分思考,也试图表达对提升和改善居住环境的关注。
Moscow-based designer Artem Babayants founded his eponymous design studio in 2014. It advocates that the concept of design should take the user as the main object, pay attention to the hard needs of individuality, and present a unique contemporary lifestyle through the action of design. The studio recently completed three landing projects that practice part of their thinking about design, but also attempt to express their concern to enhance and improve the living environment.

Body Aesthetics Studio


这间面积约为189㎡的身体美学馆,是Artem Babayants探索空间流动性、柔软性和感性的一种理论实践,并通过独特的视觉语言将其巧妙演绎。室内简洁的几何形状给人“天真”的联想,虽然单一的色调,却有着丰富而强劲的表现力,流畅的线条与肌理的合适呈现令空间变得生动、有趣。
With an area of approximately 189 square meters, the Body Beauty Museum is a theoretical practice of Artem Babayants' exploration of spatial fluidity, softness and sensibility, which is skillfully interpreted through a unique visual language. The simple geometric shape of the interior gives people the association of "innocence", although the single tone, it has a rich and strong expression, smooth lines and the appropriate presentation of the texture make the space lively and interesting.

Sadovie Kvartail House


设计前期,Artem Babayants在实地考察时就产生了完整的设计遐想:它应该拥有高的层高,充足的自然光以及随处可见的室外美景。内部以简约的线条、轻盈而富有光泽的材质和雅致的色彩,营造出清雅的精神品质。窗外的光线与飘逸的薄纱叠加出光影的变化效果,使室内的每个角落都具有宁静,优雅的氛围。
In the early stages of the design, Artem Babayants had a complete vision for the design during field visits: it should have high floors, plenty of natural light, and views of the outdoors everywhere. The interior, with its simple lines, light and glossy materials and elegant colors, creates a clean and elegant spiritual quality. The light from the window and the flowing tulle superimpose the changing effect of light and shadow, so that every corner of the interior has a quiet, elegant atmosphere.

Titul Residence


Located in Moscow, this 87-square-metre house features large glass openings to increase daylight and effectively incorporate views of the city. The complex structure is described by a concise visual language, while the balance between warm and cold tones presents a unique charm that distinguishes it from other projects.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Babayants Architects
