Olga Ashby Interiors是一家总部位于英国伦敦的室内设计工作室,由设计师Olga Ashby成立于2014年,旨在为客户提供定制化的创意方案和专业的设计服务。Olga Ashby的国际背景使她能够理解和欣赏不同的地域文化,并在多个国家或地区能够同时进行诸多的设计项目。

Olga Ashby Interiors is an interior design studio based in London, England, founded in 2014 by designer Olga Ashby to provide clients with customized creative solutions and professional design services. Olga Ashby's international background enables her to understand and appreciate different regional cultures and to work on multiple design projects simultaneously in multiple countries or regions.

The studio hopes to complete the project beyond expectations under the conditions of perfect local construction technology, reasonable construction budget or fixed time cycle. They are good at different styles of space interpretation, aiming to create a comfortable, pleasant and warm life scene for the client and his family.


Their design inspiration often comes from the objective needs of the customer, unique personality and aesthetic aspirations, even a small entry point, will stimulate their unlimited potential, so as to provide highly creative design solutions and implementation in the later construction process.

Olga Ashby Interiors的设计师们总能在场地环境中发现每个项目的独特魅力,以此结合他们创造性构思和发散性思维,为业主塑造不同的感官体验,使新的空间于更深层次的意义中诞生。

The designers at Olga Ashby Interiors have always found the unique appeal of each project within the context of the site, combining their creative ideas and divergent thinking to shape different sensory experiences for the owners, allowing new Spaces to be born with a deeper meaning.

作为工作室的创始人,Olga Ashby有着极强的创新能力和精准的材料把控力,她热衷于使用美妙的纺织品、精美的内部饰面以及私人定制家具,旨在根据客户的需求创造独特而令人惊喜的空间。同时深刻地意识到功能性的重要,因此,每一个设计细节都经过深思熟虑之后才付诸实践。

As the founder of the studio, Olga Ashby has a strong capacity for innovation and precise control of materials, and she is passionate about using wonderful textiles, exquisite interior finishes and personal custom furniture to create unique and surprising Spaces according to the needs of the client. At the same time, there is a deep awareness of the importance of functionality, so every design detail is carefully considered before being put into practice.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Olga Ashby Interiors
