House of Grey重新打造了一间位于伦敦Shoreditch的温暖而又充满生机的混合型办公室。通过与客户的深入了解、沟通,为构建一种特殊的工作场所而达成共识,以便在家庭和工作之间架起一座桥梁,为使用者提供舒适的环境,同时激发他们的创造力。

House of Grey has re-created a warm and vibrant mixed-use office in Shoreditch, London. Through in-depth understanding and communication with the client, a consensus was reached for the construction of a special workplace in order to build a bridge between home and work, provide a comfortable environment for users, while stimulating their creativity.

House of Grey的创始人Loiusa Grey认为:“虽然目前远程办公的形式为工作创造了更多的可能性,但它并不能满足我们内心所需要的真诚互动与密切联系。”而工作空间则在为人们提供社区感方面发挥着重要的作用。
Loiusa Grey, founder of House of Grey, said: "While the current form of telecommuting creates more possibilities for work, it does not meet the genuine interaction and close connection that we need in our hearts." And work Spaces play an important role in providing people with a sense of community.

Louisa Grey和她的团队从自己居住的混合型住宅和设计工作室“House of Holism”中寻找灵感。在营造舒适性和温暖感的同时,他们认为空间的灵活性也至关重要,有利于适应团队工作、一对一会议和开放式安排等日常活动的需要。
Louisa Grey and her team look to the mixed-use House they live in and the design studio House of Holism for inspiration. As well as creating a sense of comfort and warmth, they felt that flexibility in the space was essential to accommodate daily activities such as team work, one-on-one meetings and open arrangements.

室内的接待处,House of GreyNatural Material Studio合作定制了悬挂式的海藻板;他们还与Ty Syml合作,用海藻制作灯罩;与Chalk Path Studio合作,用再生纸和其他天然材料制作手工灯具,通过各种直接或间接的方式对天然材料的研究、利用,使该建筑达到了Breeam Excellent的认证标准。
Inside, at the reception, House of Grey collaborated with Natural Material Studio to customize hanging seaweed panels; They also collaborated with Ty Syml to make lampshades out of seaweed; In cooperation with Chalk Path Studio, handmade lamps and lanterns were made from recycled paper and other natural materials. Through various direct or indirect ways of studying and utilizing natural materials, the building reached the Breeam Excellent certification standard.

Camber Sands Shade
 Sea Anemone Shade II
最终空间所呈现出家一般的舒适感,有利于促进工作与生活之间的平衡,避免产生过度的疲惫。所以,Louisa Grey说:“从更深层次的意义上来讲,我们从一开始就希望这个工作场所能够达到滋养身心的目的,让置身其中的人们每天都感到满意和满足。”
The final space presents a homelike comfort, which helps to promote the balance between work and life and avoid excessive exhaustion. So, says Louisa Grey, "In a deeper sense, from the very beginning, we wanted this workplace to be a nourishing place for the body and mind, to make the people in it feel satisfied and fulfilled every day."

House of Grey


House Of Grey设计工作室,由室内设计师Louisa Grey于2013年在英国伦敦成立,专注住宅和商业设计领域。在过往的项目过程中,工作室试图借助设计的独特方式与途径,增进人、场所和环境的互动以及提升居住者的幸福感,让生活回归到平和的本质。

House Of Grey design Studio, founded by interior designer Louisa Grey in London, UK in 2013, focuses on residential and commercial design. In the course of the past projects, the studio has tried to return life to the essence of peace by enhancing the interaction of people, place and environment and enhancing the happiness of residents through unique design methods and approaches.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright House of Grey
