Estee Clinic是一家美容医学诊所,客户希望创造一个时尚且舒适的、轻松的空间氛围,并使用如木材、大理石等天然材料来体现其自然性,同时强调诊所的品牌价值观——即对自然美的追求。最终,室内以简约自然的风格呈现出来,不同的材料、纹理和色彩在空间中形成了和谐地对话。
Estee Clinic is a cosmetic medicine clinic, and the client wanted to create a stylish and comfortable, relaxed space atmosphere, and use natural materials such as wood, marble to reflect its naturalness, while emphasizing the clinic's brand values - the pursuit of natural beauty. As a result, the interior is presented in a simple and natural style, with different materials, textures and colors forming a harmonious dialogue in the space.

虽然原始空间有全景窗和足够的层高提供了良好的通风与采光,但是其建筑结构复杂,增加了设计的难度。经过Balcony Studio改造之后,新增了8个橱柜、1个公共区域、1个经理办公室,以及浴室和其他小型但非常必要的空间。
Although the original space has panoramic Windows and sufficient height to provide good ventilation and lighting, its complex building structure increases the difficulty of design. The Balcony Studio renovation added eight cabinets, a common area, a manager's office, as well as bathrooms and other small but necessary Spaces.

The monochrome microcement floors and walls fit seamlessly together, making them look like a complete canvas; The natural panels and stone visually enrich the overall sense of hierarchy, while the stone pattern of the cabinet becomes the finishing touch in the space.
It was challenging for the studio to find couches and chairs, side tables with different shapes, materials and other built-in furniture to match the space, so all the furniture in the clinic was presented in a custom way to achieve the integrity of the space.

Estee Clinic中,最值得一提的是走廊空间。由于橱柜和门的数量众多,所以设计师希望尽可能地让空间看起来简洁、时尚。因此,使用了隐藏门的设计,并采用穹顶吊顶系统,这对于复杂的走廊来说是一个极佳的解决方案。
At Estee Clinic, the most notable thing is the corridor space. Due to the large number of cabinets and doors, the designers wanted to make the space look as simple and stylish as possible. Therefore, the design of the hidden door was used, and the domed ceiling system was adopted, which was an excellent solution for the complex corridor.

Balcony Studio


BALCONY Studio是一家位于迪拜的室内设计工作室,由设计师、建筑师、项目经理和施工团队组成,致力于提供整体的设计服务,为私人业主和商业打造面向未来的定制化室内空间。他们认为,住宅真正的精髓在于对其居住者的一种诚实表达,这种模式为之后的设计探索构建了新的标准。
BALCONY Studio is a Dubai-based interior design studio made up of designers, architects, project managers and construction teams dedicated to providing holistic design services to create future-ready, customized interior Spaces for both private owners and businesses. They believe that the true essence of a house is an honest expression of its occupants, and that this model sets a new standard for future design exploration.

BALCONY Studio无惧挑战,善于从优秀的项目中汲取灵感。他们不仅主导设计,还参与项目的的策划,并注重细节;从规划解决方案和可视化到每一个元素的详细图纸、规格,都以严谨的态度对待,万事无不面面俱到。
BALCONY Studio is not afraid of challenge and is good at drawing inspiration from great projects. They not only lead the design, but also participate in the planning of the project, and pay attention to details; From planning solutions and visualizations to detailed drawings and specifications for every element, everything is handled with a rigorous attitude.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Balcony Studio
