Light And Dwell是一家位于美国的室内设计工作室,由设计师AymeeMolly共同成立于2015年,其设计风格深受太平洋西北地区沿岸自然风物的启发。“对古老的欧洲文化致敬”是她们的设计源点,而美学内涵则受到极致轻松和闲适而精致的影响,所以工作室出品更注重生活品质的追求,创造出既具创新意识又有着永恒性的场所。
Light And Dwell is a Us-Based interior design studio founded in 2015 by designers Aymee and Molly, whose designs are inspired by the natural landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. "Tribute to the ancient European culture" is their design source, and the aesthetic connotation is influenced by extreme relaxation, leisure and exquisite, so the studio production pays more attention to the pursuit of quality of life, creating a place with both innovative consciousness and permanence.

Light and Dwell的设计共有六种不同风格,这与客户的个性和住宅的宜居性相关:都铎式别墅、山地牧场、欧洲范式、乡土有机性、现代和传统。他们的项目具有符号明显的地域性,设计项目从家乡俄勒冈州起步,至今已遍布美国各地。
Light and Dwell's design has six distinct styles that relate to the personality of the client and the livability of the home: Tudor villa, mountain ranch, European paradigm, rustic organic, modern and traditional. Their projects are symbolically regional, starting in their home state of Oregon and now spread across the United States.

AymeeMolly在俄勒冈州的同一个小镇长大,职业之路也有着一致的设计目标:希望创造一处充满阳光的住宅,增强家的凝聚力,激发出人们内心深处最深刻的记忆。可持续发展也被作为Light and Dwell所有项目的首要任务,她们将有着历史遗迹的材料与现代产品结合在一起,尽可能的延长材料的使用寿命。
Aymee and Molly grew up in the same small town in Oregon and pursued their careers with the same design goal: to create a home filled with sunlight, strengthen the family's cohesion, and bring out the deepest memories in people. Sustainability has also been a priority in all of Light and Dwell's projects, combining historic materials with modern products to extend the life of materials as long as possible.

由于对工艺的极致追求,Light and Dwel开启了新的冒险之旅,即创建自己的家具品牌,并于2022年秋季推出。多年的定制经验和参观令人敬佩的同行品牌,使她们设计可持续的家居系列产品的愿望与日俱增。Molly作为首席设计师,她对设计的每个细节一丝不苟,为意味深长又经典永恒的作品注入了新的生命力。

Due to the extreme pursuit of craftsmanship, Light and Dwel have embarked on a new adventure to create their own furniture brand, which will be launched in autumn 2022. Years of customization experience and visits to respected peer brands have increased their desire to design sustainable home collections. Molly, as the chief designer, is meticulous in every detail of her design, injecting new vitality into a meaningful and timeless classic work.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Light And Dwell
