丹麦建筑师Norm Architects最新推出的项目位于日本长野市,坐落在日本中部一处风景如画的自然中,希望在工作和生活之间建立一种微妙的平衡,使人们能够与宁静的环境和谐共处。此地以绮丽的山脉、幽静的温泉和历史悠久的寺庙建筑而闻名,吸引着许多试图寻求平衡生活方式的人到访。

Danish architect Norm Architects' latest project in Nagano, Japan, is set in a picturesque part of nature in central Japan, hoping to create a delicate balance between work and life, allowing people to live in harmony with the peaceful environment. Known for its stunning mountains, secluded hot springs and historic temple architecture, the area attracts many people seeking a balanced lifestyle.


Inspired by the city of the same name, the new Nagano headquarters presents a unified coordination of materials and functionality, creating a unique visual impact. Stepping into the double-height reception is like entering an art gallery, where a variety of carefully curated art elements are perfectly integrated to create a peaceful space atmosphere. Every corner seems to tell a story, immersing visitors in an environment that inspires creativity and curiosity.

Norm Architects探索了各种形式的触感,以构建身临其境的感官体验。通过采用针刺面的白色花岗岩面板,为空间增添视觉趣味和粗粝质感;定制的浅色橡木家具,以光滑触感来提升空间品质;精心布置的平台展示着不同的艺术作品,其有机的形式和流畅的轮廓与原本结构严谨的氛围形成鲜明对比,创造了一种动态语境,引发视觉上的“对话”。

Norm Architects explores various forms of touch to build an immersive sensory experience. The use of needle-faced white granite panels adds visual interest and gritty texture to the space; Custom light oak furniture, with smooth touch to enhance the quality of the space; The carefully arranged platform showcases different works of art whose organic forms and fluid contours contrast with the originally structured atmosphere, creating a dynamic context that provokes a visual 'dialogue'.

通过将这些触觉元素、定制工艺和艺术品进行结合,Norm Architects旨在塑造一个超越传统和既有界限的接待区。他们的设计出发点是希望吸引人们的感官,协调触觉和视觉体验,力求创造有着平衡性、精致度和艺术魅力且令人难忘的空间环境。

By combining these tactile elements, custom craftsmanship and artwork, Norm Architects aims to shape a reception area that transcends traditional and established boundaries. The starting point of their design is to appeal to the senses, harmonize tactile and visual experiences, and strive to create an unforgettable space with balance, sophistication and artistic charm.

The interior colors draw inspiration from the natural scenery outside, and are translated in a special way to immerse the interior in a soft and soothing tone. Not only do they awaken a sense of balance and serenity, they also create a space atmosphere conducive to increased productivity and satisfaction. Unlike traditional office Spaces, the cold touch of the interior stone floor and the soft carpet complement each other, and the clever furniture arrangement becomes an appropriate entry point, dividing up areas for gathering, collaboration or contemplation.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Norm Architects
