Space CopenhagenSigne Bindslev HenriksenPeter BundgaardRützou于2005年创立,以突破传统和打造独特的标志性设计而闻名,业务涉及于家具、灯光、装饰品、艺术装置、私人住宅、餐厅和酒店设计等多个领域。

Founded in 2005 by Signe Bindslev Henriksen and Peter BundgaardRutzou, Space Copenhagen is known for breaking conventions and creating unique, iconic designs. The business involves furniture, lighting, decoration, art installation, private residence, restaurant and hotel design and other fields.

Ambra Restaurant


Ambra Restaurant是一家质朴的餐厅,位于哥本哈根繁华的Store Kongensgade街,它将传统的意大利美食与时尚的丹麦设计风格相结合,成为人们休闲娱乐的理想之地。室内环境色调温暖,双层挑高的天花和裸露的工业细节体现了建筑的历史传承。从高椅背的长椅到悬挂于半空中的枝形吊灯,无不散发着迷人的气息,邀请客人入座。

Ambra Restaurant is a rustic restaurant located on Copenhagen's bustling Store Kongensgade Street that combines traditional Italian cuisine with stylish Danish design, making it the ideal place for people to relax and entertain. The interior environment is warm in color, with double-height ceilings and exposed industrial details reflecting the building's historical heritage. From the high-backed benches to the chandeliers hanging in mid-air, they exude a charming atmosphere and invite guests to sit.


According to the functional needs of the interior, not only the furniture is reasonably arranged, but also the Danish style is vividly reflected. The brown cave stone and yellow marble table form a delicate match, which is accentuated by the light white facade treated with imitation marble paint. At the same time, a series of fabric materials are used in the decoration to create a unique comfortable atmosphere.

The Largo Hotel


这是一家葡萄牙波尔图的酒店,位于历史悠久的Largo de São Domingos,由五座建于不同时期的建筑组成。酒店配置了餐厅、酒吧和18间客房,原建筑的部分被精心剥离和修复,以保持与展示其原始的结构特征。Space Copenhagen通过对工艺、材质、纹理和艺术等元素的综合考虑,使酒店在传统与现代、细节与真实性之间达到了完美的平衡。

This is a hotel in Porto, Portugal, located in the historic Largo de Sao Domingos and consists of five buildings built in different periods. Equipped with a restaurant, bar and 18 rooms, parts of the original building have been carefully stripped and restored to maintain and showcase its original structural character. Through a comprehensive consideration of craftsmanship, materials, textures and art, Space Copenhagen achieves the perfect balance between tradition and modernity, detail and authenticity.


All suites are given the intimate atmosphere of an apartment living room and a private residence, with a thoughtful layout and arrangement that allows guests to enjoy a leisurely time at a slow pace. The bed is the center of the sleeping area, and the nightstand is re-interpreted in a modern way using Renaissance style elements, integrating the original historical background of the building into the new space.

Space Copenhagen


内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Space Copenhagen
