Víctor Legorreta,墨西哥建筑师,父亲Ricardo Legorreta在当代的墨西哥建筑界声名可及Luis Barragan,曾在1965年创立了工作室Legorreta。1990年代早期他儿子Victor加入其中,之后工作室正式更名为Legorreta + Legorreta。色彩、光线和独特的风格形成了他们作品的基本元素,尽管Victor Legorreta经常被贴上极致的现代主义标签,但其却深深根植于墨西哥本土建筑的传统。

Victor Legorreta is a Mexican architect, the son of Ricardo Legorreta, known in contemporary Mexican architecture as Luis Barragan, who founded the studio Legorreta in 1965. He was joined by his son Victor in the early 1990s, after which the studio was officially renamed Legorreta + Legorreta. Color, light, and unique style form the basic elements of their work, and although often labeled as extreme modernism, Victor Legorreta is deeply rooted in the tradition of indigenous Mexican architecture.

位于墨西哥太平洋海岸有着2,100英亩动植物资源丰富的自然保护区内新建了一座四季酒店,由Víctor LegorretaMauricio Rocha共同设计。酒店有着优越的地理条件,可从约300英尺高的悬崖之上俯瞰大海,不论躺在纯净的沙滩上晒日光浴,还是沿着郁郁葱葱的自然小径散步、观察天空的飞鸟或隐藏其中的当地动植物,优美的自然景观为住客提供了休闲放松和无限探索的可能。

A new Four Seasons hotel, designed by Victor Legorreta and Mauricio Rocha, is located in a 2,100-acre nature reserve on Mexico's Pacific coast. Overlooking the sea from a cliff some 300 feet high, the hotel offers guests the opportunity to relax and explore, whether lounging on the pristine sandy beach or walking along the lush nature trails, watching the birds in the sky or the hidden local flora and fauna.


The pristine golf course contrasts sharply with the lush jungle and the winding mountain terrain. At a bend in the main entrance, a stone wall covered with horsetongue and cactus opens up another stone-paved road with a green hillside landscape extending to the edge of the road.


The hotel's portico features a large circular Mexican courtyard filled with the sound of flowing water and the scent of jasmine flowers, as light streams through a natural roof made of wood and palm leaves, traditional on the Mexican coast. Guests are directed to a shady area 100 feet above sea level, where they can see the terrace overlooking the sea.


It is a space that can be described as emotional, with no reception desk or concierge area, and guests are like arriving in a large, cozily furnished house, where they can enjoy a drink while enjoying stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and green mountains. The hotel has also designed a number of beachfront and hilltop suites to maximize the advantages of its location and environment to provide guests with the best possible stay experience.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Víctor Legorreta
