Zerni是一家位于澳大利亚的设计工作室,由Jayden Zernich成立于2014年。他们专注于项目的各个细节,以求达到最终效果的完美呈现,并善于营造独特的自然景观和尝试与每一位到访者产生情感的连接,无论是建筑的外部还是室内,都旨在构建个体的感官体验,使访客放慢脚步,沉浸于周围的环境之中。

Zerni is an Australian based design studio founded in 2014 by Jayden Zernich. They focus on all the details of a project to achieve a perfect presentation of the final result, and are adept at creating unique natural landscapes and attempting to create an emotional connection with each visitor, both on the exterior and interior of the building, with the aim of constructing an individual sensory experience that slows down the visitor and immerses them in their surroundings.

Whipbird住宅座落于Noosa Hinterland的山脊之上,建筑外观的设计简洁而富有感染力,促使建筑与自然产生一种紧密的联系。室内既能让业主感受到一种令人惊喜的居住氛围;又能提供一处与环境融合的、宁静的、温馨的家庭庇护所。

Nestled on the ridge of Noosa Hinterland, the Whipbird home's exterior is designed to be simple and compelling, promoting a strong connection with nature. The interiors provide a surprisingly inviting atmosphere for homeowners to live in, and a peaceful, welcoming family sanctuary that blends in with the environment.


This five-bedroom home is located in two different wings of the building, with landscaped terraces connecting to the swimming pool, tennis court, bathhouse, parking lot and courtyard. One wing features a lounge, master bedroom and home office, all with plenty of sunlight and natural views to the north, while the other wing, facing the forest, has temporary bedrooms, bathrooms, guest rooms and a game room.


The spatial conception of the residence is both fluid and presents a unique character, while emphasizing the magnificent views of the area in a concise way. Upon entering the interior, the main landscape is intentionally hidden, directing the visitor towards other landscapes scattered in different ways throughout the space.

While the forest-facing bedrooms are relatively enclosed, the living room has a more open view of the changing seasons outside. In addition, each façade opening within the home has been carefully designed to capture a specific view in a specific way.

The carefully selected interiors have a minimalist aesthetic, adding an understated, relaxed place atmosphere to the house. This sense of calm is complemented by the natural light and shadow, and the open skylight creates the magnificence and solemnity of the space, thus creating a harmonious and relaxed, but not yet sophisticated interior atmosphere.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Zerni
