Plantea Estudio是一家位于西班牙马德里的建筑设计工作室,由建筑师Luis GilLorenzo Gil共同成立于2008年。该工作室的工作形式和设计方法是由他们深思熟虑后的综合策略所决定的,而不仅仅是侧重考虑具体的方案、部门协调或项目规模。
Plantea Estudio is an architectural design studio based in Madrid, Spain, founded in 2008 by architects Luis and Lorenzo Gil. The studio's approach to work and design is determined by a deliberate and integrated strategy, rather than focusing on specific plans, departmental coordination or project size.


They are good at adding a sense of historical atmosphere to the space through materials, shapes and tone according to the location, orientation or natural climate of the site. Their aim is to create an indoor environment that tends to be "timeless" rather than chasing the current trend and fashion.

While there are some differences between projects, the studio has the advantage of being able to adapt to local conditions and give the architect a personal symbolic language. Regardless of objective factors, we can provide the widest range of work and services within their budget to different clients in the same reliable and appropriate manner.

同时,Plantea Estudio的设计策略兼具包容性和协作性,便于与不同客户、顾问、承建商和使用者建立积极的交流和互动,并促使不同学科之间产生有益的辩论,关于建筑、室内设计、艺术和城市主义的关系本身。这种实践需要极强的分析能力和坚定的执行力,这也构成了Plantea Estudio团队成员的主要优势与特点。
At the same time, the design strategy of Plantea Estudio is inclusive and collaborative, which facilitates the establishment of positive communication and interaction with different clients, consultants, contractors and users, and promotes useful debate among different disciplines on the relationship between architecture, interior design, art and urbanism itself. This practice requires strong analytical ability and firm execution, which constitute the main advantages and characteristics of Plantea Estudio team members.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Plantea Estudio
