巴西建筑师Guilherme Torres是一位完美主义者,于2001年成立了自己同名的设计工作室,主要从事各个领域的建筑设计与项目开发。极简主义的细节和丰富而含蓄的材料、色调构成其作品的基本特征,在平衡建筑严谨美学的同时,他的项目还体现了某种轻盈且俏皮的趣味性。

Brazilian architect Guilherme Torres is a perfectionist who founded his eponymous design studio in 2001, focusing on various areas of architectural design and project development. Minimalist details and rich and subtle materials and tones form the basic characteristics of his work, while balancing the rigorous aesthetics of architecture, his projects also embody a certain light and playful fun.

Heritage Apartment



Heritage Apartment is designed for a family of four with an area of approximately 570 square meters. The house uses two very different materials, aiming to connect them in a subtle and delicate way through elements such as the comfort of wood and the primitiveness of the walls, thus perfectly presenting the characteristics of the material, like a mountain hut. The interior is mainly divided into social area and private area, the living room and balcony of the social area are integrated into a large living area, like a home theater; The private area consists of five suites.


As a balsam-framed project, the floors, ceilings and walls of the house are decorated with natural oak. In addition, cleverly treated natural stone is used to maintain the continuity of the soft wood. The entrance hall uses a large amount of black wood to enter a dark environment and follow the path to the light, creating a unique poetic atmosphere in the light and shade, making it interesting to switch between light and shadow.

Vitra Apartment


Guilherme Torres平衡了建筑的经典美学,在Vitra公寓中为其塑造了活泼的空间氛围,鲜明的形式和微妙的表面为内部生动的家具提供了合适且安静的背景,而精心布置的室内则受益于对他对建筑和自然光的敏锐感知。

Guilherme Torres balances the classic aesthetics of the building with a lively atmosphere in the Vitra apartment, where stark forms and subtle surfaces provide a suitable and quiet backdrop for the lively furniture inside, while the well-furnished interior benefits from his keen sense of architecture and natural light.


A range of natural materials are used in the space, and carefully selected furniture, artwork and ornaments are displayed in different areas to enrich the details and levels of the space. In order to ensure the permeability of the home and protect the personal privacy of the owner, movable wooden screens surround the entire living room, which can be opened and closed according to actual needs.

Guilherme Torres



Exclusive Interview


Yinji:Haha, we think you are a perfectionist. What kind of design do you think is a perfect design? What are the requirements for perfect design?

Guilherme Torres:我认为,“完美的设计”并不存在,只存在“可能完美的设计”。这取决于材料的可靠性,最重要的是,也取决于制造商。好的设计必须将它们等同看待,以适应各种可能存在的限制。我曾是一个坚定的完美主义者,但现在我会通过其他的方式来指导设计。我相信我现在变得更加成熟了。

Guilherme Torres:A perfect design does not exist, but a possible design. It depends of the availability ofmaterials and, most importantly, it depends on the manufacturer. The good design must equate these items, adapting barriers. I was used to be a convinced perfectionist, but nowadays I look to other ways to lead the process. I believe that I have become more mature.


Yinji:From residential commercial design to furniture design, how did you complete the transformation of your identity and complete the expansion of your commercial territory?
Guilherme Torres:我一直遵从于自己的初心。我借助参考资料的学习,并希望把它体现在我一切设计之中。我从不追随潮流或市场趋势——恰恰相反,我相信“诚实”是每一件作品的内在本质,它创造了一种与公众关联的可能。

Guilherme Torres:I was always loyal to my roots. I acknowledge all my references and I aim to embody it in everything I create. I never follow trends or market tendencies – on the contrary. I believe that this honesty is intrinsic in every work, and it creates a connection with the public.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer:Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Guilherme Torres

