Studio Osklo是一家隐匿在洛杉矶山丘之中的设计研发公司,专注于高端住宅的建造和再开发,在尊重洛杉矶建筑历史的同时,为城市的住宅景观构建全新的未来愿景,并为见解独到的客户群提供中世纪古董家具或个性化的定制服务。

Studio Osklo, a design and development firm tucked away in the hills of Los Angeles, focuses on the construction and redevelopment of high-end homes, creating a new vision for the future of the city's residential landscape while respecting the architectural history of Los Angeles, and offering midcentury antique furniture or personalized customization services to an insightful client base.



Doheny住宅,位于壮丽且富有魅力的原始森林景观之中,Studio Osklo希望创造更加温和的视觉感受,在传统农舍中注入现代元素,并进行全新地诠释。设计师在比利时的建筑风格中获得灵感,于简洁的外观中添加轻微的灰褐色,使建筑能够更好地融入自然环境内。

The Doheny house, located in a magnificent and charming primeval forest landscape, Studio Osklo wanted to create a more gentle visual feel, injecting modern elements into the traditional farmhouse and giving it a new interpretation. Taking inspiration from the Belgian architectural style, the designers added a slight taupe color to the simple exterior, allowing the building to better integrate into the natural environment.



Studio Osklo对这栋面积约为4000平方英尺的别墅进行了翻修和重新设计。原始的空间既缺少自然光又空旷浪费,需要更为明亮的颜色来激发其活力。建筑为英式农舍风格、大量的砖墙、窗户和黄铜五金配件被保留下来,对于设计师而言,新与旧的结合能够提升独特美感,还能使场地以一种特殊的方式构建空间叙事。
Studio Osklo renovated and redesigned the approximately 4,000-square-foot villa. The original space lacked natural light and was empty and wasteful, requiring brighter colors to bring it to life. The building is built in an English farmhouse style, with plenty of brick walls, Windows and brass hardware preserved, and for the designer, the combination of old and new enhances the unique aesthetic and allows the site to construct a spatial narrative in a special way.

Hollywood HillsHaven


Located in the Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles, this residence offers absolute privacy while offering sweeping views of the area's natural beauty. Inspired by the natural landscape, the designers took tone inspiration from the mud of the granite hillside at the rear of the site. In order to promote the close connection between indoor and outdoor, movable glass doors are widely used in the interior, which are cleverly integrated with the surrounding environment and the indoor atrium, and the grass, black olive trees and the terrace with the trace of time are full of vitality.

Rising Glen


位于洛杉矶的Rising Glen,是一座建造于90年代的建筑。Studio Osklo的创意总监Michael Martin说:“它犹如好莱坞山中的仲夏夜之梦,鸽子与知更鸟在其中跳跃,巨大的柠檬树于人们面前落下果实。”优美的景色为他提供了灵感,新的四居室住宅时尚而宜居,单层面积达5800平方英尺。两侧为中央中庭,一颗百年橄榄树就屹立于此,经受时间的考验。
Located in Los Angeles, Rising Glen is a building built in the 1990s. "It's like a midsummer night's dream in the Hollywood Hills," said Michael Martin, creative director of Studio Osklo, "with doves and Robins jumping and giant lemon trees dropping fruit in front of people." The beautiful views provided inspiration for him, and the new four-bedroom home is stylish and livable, measuring 5,800 square feet on a single floor. On both sides is the central atrium, where a century-old olive tree stands the test of time.

内容策划 Present
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校对 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Studio Osklo
