法国著名建筑师和室内设计师Christian Liaigre,1943年出生于Vendée,1985尝试第一次创业,并成立了设计工作室。1960年,他在法国国立高等美术学院学习,同时在Académie Charpentier教授绘画技巧,之后在Nobilis担任创意总监,并设计了他的第一个家具系列产品。
Renowned French architect and interior designer Christian Liaigre, born in Vendee in 1943, tried his first venture in 1985 and set up a design studio. In 1960, he studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, while teaching painting techniques at the Academie Charpentier, before working as creative director at Nobilis, where he designed his first furniture collection.
R48酒店是Studio Liaigre重要的作品之一,位于特拉维夫最著名的现代主义建筑文化街区。新的设计构思是在尊重项目所在地的周边环境、历史背景以及建筑自身条件的基础上进行,以优雅、精致和注重细节的方式重新诠释了至今仍处于主流地位的现代主义思潮。
The R48 Hotel is one of Studio Liaigre's most important projects and is located in one of Tel Aviv's most famous modernist architectural and cultural neighborhoods. The new design concept is based on respect for the site's surroundings, historical context and the building's own conditions, and reinterprets the contemporary trend of modernism with elegance, refinement and attention to detail.
项目位于一栋始建于20世纪30年代的包豪斯风格的建筑内部,在一片由白色晕染开来的场域里,Studio Liaigre将他们独特的见解结合其中。酒店建筑的外立面保留了标志性的弧形阳台和转角处镂空的几何直角,室内则保留了经典的、自由布局的柱子和统一的石材地面。
Located in the interior of a Bauhaus-style building originally built in the 1930s, Studio Liaigre combined their unique insights in a white-stained field. The facade of the hotel retains the iconic curved balconies and geometric right angles hollowed out in the corners, while the interior retains the classic, freely arranged columns and uniform stone floors.
Studio Liaigre重点设计了大堂、套房和建筑的屋顶露台,并在其中融合了他们标志性的现代主义语汇,使线性的历史具备了多层次的丰富面向。由于外立面的幕墙构成建筑的主要部分,因此工作室借助这种优势,在设计套房时,使其成为一种巧妙的“捕光器”,满足采光需要的同时,拥有绝佳的景观视野。
Studio Liaigre focused on the lobby, suites and roof terrace of the building, where they incorporated their signature modernist vocabulary to give a linear history multiple layers of richness. Since the facade's curtain wall forms the main part of the building, the studio took advantage of this to design the suite as a clever "light trap", satisfying the need for light while providing excellent views of the landscape.
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Studio Liaigre
