Barde vanVoltt是一家位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹的室内设计工作室,由设计师Valérie BoermaBart van Seggelen共同成立。该工作室擅长打造令人意想不到的独特空间情境,使业主居住于充满生活灵感的家居环境之中。
Barde vanVoltt is an interior design studio based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, founded by designers Valerie Boerma and Bart van Seggelen. The studio specializes in creating unexpected and unique spatial situations that allow the owner to live in a home environment full of life inspiration.

作为主题、空间和设计的诠释者,Barde vanVoltt在产品、时尚与策略方面一贯的行为方式形成了独特的切入视角,促使他们能够自如地将情感表达或价值观念转化于实体空间中,与使用者产生互动、对话。

As an interpreter of theme, space and design, Barde vanVoltt's consistent approach to product, fashion and strategy has created a unique perspective that enables them to freely translate emotional expression or values into physical Spaces, creating interaction and dialogue with users.

Barde vanVoltt的设计方法源于不同的对比:野蛮而又简约,有节奏且又自如。他们开启项目的第一步便是确定一个完整的建筑形态,构建其全面的物理特征。在此基础上,通过形状、色彩、纹理和独一无二的氛围将它表达出来,从而激发彼此之间的交流。
Barde vanVoltt's approach to design stems from a variety of contrasts: brutal yet simple, rhythmic and effortless. Their first step in the project was to identify a complete building form and construct its full physical characteristics. Based on this, it is expressed through shape, color, texture and unique atmosphere, thereby stimulating communication between each other.


Drawing inspiration from the architectural heritage, the surrounding environment and the work of local artists, combined with careful design and unexpected solutions, the final product of the project is both human and environmental, while maintaining and restoring its authenticity and intimacy.

Barde vanVoltt能够很好地理解客户的客观需求,并将自己的设计理念与之相结合,并巧妙地将其融入到场所当中,在体现空间品质与追求永恒性的同时,最重要的是赋予其恰当的自我身份。

Barde vanVoltt is able to understand the objective needs of the client and combine his own design concepts with them, and cleverly integrate them into the site, while reflecting the quality of the space and the pursuit of permanence, the most important thing is to give it a proper identity.

内容策划 Present
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校对 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Barde vanVoltt
