Smac Studio是悉尼一家屡获殊荣的设计公司,由创始人Shona McElroy成立。他们不仅擅长空间动线与平面布局的合理规划,且在家具选择上也有着专业的审美。工作室以客户为核心,尊重、理解和人性化考虑,并与客户进行密切地沟通作为设计过程中的重要环节,通过合作共同实现项目的完美落地。
Smac Studio is an award-winning design firm based in Sydney, founded by founder Shona McElroy. They are not only good at the reasonable planning of spatial lines and plane layout, but also have a professional aesthetic in the selection of furniture. The studio takes the customer as the core, respects, understands and considers humanization, and closely communicates with the customer as an important part of the design process, and realizes the perfect landing of the project through cooperation.

Light House采用更为传统的设计方式,通过对空间的精心规划和自然光的应用,为这座上世纪80年代的住宅带来了一次非凡的转变,将其打造成持久而有意义的家。Smac Studio优先考虑生活的宜居性和住宅与周围环境之间的联系,将托斯卡纳乡村的风格融入其中,使色彩及微妙的细节设计融为一体,提升居住的品质。

Light House's more traditional approach to design, through careful planning of Spaces and the use of natural light, has brought an extraordinary transformation to this 1980s home, transforming it into a lasting and meaningful home. Smac Studio prioritizes livability and the connection between the house and its surroundings, incorporating the style of the Tuscan countryside, integrating color and subtle details to enhance the quality of living.

Shona McElroy说:“在传统住宅中,经常会看到深色、厚重的木制书房、图书馆和起居室,这就是我想要呈现的空间面貌。Light House正是对此的一种现代诠释。”同时,她还认为对称法则是实现空间合理分配的关键因素。
Shona McElroy said: "In a traditional home, dark, heavy wooden study, library and living room are often seen, and this is how I wanted to present the space. Light House is a modern interpretation of that." At the same time, she also believes that the law of symmetry is the key factor to realize the rational allocation of space.


The Italian aesthetic is incorporated into the design, and the careful arrangement of natural light helps to integrate the house into the coastal environment. Interior marble arches are inspired by classical Italian life scenes and act as frames between Spaces. Expressive textures, combined with ornaments, become an expression of the owner's personality and balance the delicate relationship between traditional European architecture and modern, open Sydney living.

业主希望拥有宽敞、舒适的娱乐空间,并于室内引入更多的自然光线,于是,如何消除室内外的界限成为了设计的考虑重点。Smac Studio采用浅色基调确保公共区拥有更加充足的光线,而在休闲区,光线则被有意弱化,从而营造出更加私密的环境。
The owner wanted to have a spacious and comfortable entertainment space, and introduce more natural light into the interior, so how to eliminate the boundary between indoor and outdoor became the focus of design consideration. Smac Studio uses a light tone to ensure that the public areas have more light, while in the leisure areas, the light is deliberately dimmed to create a more private environment.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Smac Studio

