俄罗斯设计师Ariana Ahmad,于2010年成立了自己同名的设计工作室,专注于住宅与公共项目领域。提供从前期规划、视觉化方案、施工管理以及家具和陈设选配等全方位的服务。她善于在细节中发现“生活”灵感,以此为切入给每一位客户创造理想的室内生活环境,让他们可以在住宅中感受到被关注,并沉浸于自己独特且舒适的家中。

Russian designer Ariana Ahmad founded her eponymous design studio in 2010, focusing on residential and public projects. We offer a full range of services from pre-planning, visualization, construction management and furniture and furnishings selection. She is good at finding "living" inspiration in the details, so as to create the ideal indoor living environment for each client, so that they can feel the attention in the house, and immerse in their own unique and comfortable home.

这套公寓位于莫斯科,业主是一位审美独到的年轻人,具有自己明确的目标,喜欢深色调、混凝土元素、Carol Christian Poell时装,同时也是著名设计师Rick Owens的拥趸。所以,新的室内空间散发着原始的男性魅力,线条分明,有着一丝不苟的细节,营造出令人着迷的生活常识。

Located in Moscow, this apartment is owned by a young man with a unique aesthetic and clear goals, who loves dark colors, concrete elements, Carol Christian Poell fashion, and is also a fan of the famous designer Rick Owens. As a result, the new interior space exudes an original masculine charm, with clear lines and meticulous details, creating a fascinating common sense of life.

在这间90㎡的公寓里,Ariana Ahmad只规划了三个区域:卧室、浴室和家政间,其余空间均为开放式平面布局,给人自由、灵活之感。室内没有一件工业化批量生产的物件,所有家具都是根据业主的个人需求而单独定制的,既是精致的、有情感的产品,也是具有收藏价值的手工艺术品。

Within the 90㎡ apartment, Ariana Ahmad planned only three areas: bedroom, bathroom and housekeeping, while the rest of the space is open plan, giving a sense of freedom and flexibility. There is not a single industrial mass produced object in the interior, all furniture is individually customized according to the owner's personal needs, both delicate and emotional products, but also collectible value of hand-made art.

材料的表面处理和其他细节元素均由熟练的工匠根据设计图纸进行特别的加工。立面由蓝色金属或混凝土构成,或通过艺术家绘制成所需的内部基调。此外,木匠们还根据Ariana Ahmad的草图完成了独特的木制和藤制百叶窗,而布艺师则利用貂皮来制作窗帘。

The surface treatment and other detail elements of the material are specially processed by skilled craftsmen according to the design drawings. The facades are made of blue metal or concrete, or painted by artists to create the desired interior tone. In addition, the carpenters completed unique wooden and rattan blinds based on Ariana Ahmad's sketches, while the cloth artisans made use of mink skin to create curtains.


Inside, many elements are unconventional, creating a very unique space. Handmade, the combination of different textures and materials and the interweaving of light and shadow give the interior a unique yet luxurious quality. The mix adds a touch of softness and comfort to the minimalist atmosphere.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Ariana Ahmad
