Ome Dezin是一家位于美国的室内设计工作室,由设计师Joelle KutnerJesse Rudolph共同成立于2020年,旨在恢复洛杉矶特色的住宅传统。他们善于在城市的建筑风格中寻找灵感,包括中世纪、装饰艺术、西班牙式和都铎式等,保留原始的特征,赋予其现代性审美,并满足当代的客观需求。
Ome Dezin is a Us-Based interior design studio founded in 2020 by designers Joelle Kutner and Jesse Rudolph with the aim of reviving the distinctive residential traditions of Los Angeles. They are good at finding inspiration in the architectural styles of the city, including medieval, Art Deco, Spanish and Tudor, to retain the original characteristics, give it a modern aesthetic, and meet the objective needs of the contemporary.

Via Donte


住宅坐落在Marina Del Rey的运河一旁,顶楼可以欣赏到无垠的海景。其独特的氛围,仿佛使人置身于洛杉矶市中心的一座意大利宫殿内。室内拥有五间卧室、六间浴室、一间桑拿房以及不同形式的起居空间和阳台。内部使用了纹理灵动而质地坚硬的天然石材、意大利原产的灯具,以及在世界各地和当地跳蚤市场淘回来的有意义的艺术摆件。
The house is located next to the canal in Marina Del Rey, and the top floor offers sweeping sea views. Its unique atmosphere feels like being inside an Italian palace in downtown Los Angeles. The interior has five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a sauna and various forms of living space and balconies. The interior is made of naturally textured hard stone, light fixtures of Italian origin, and meaningful art pieces from around the world and local flea markets.

Benmore Ter


Benmore Ter是一间六居室的私人住宅,隐匿于一条私密的街道上,占地5134平方英尺,室内外的开放、连接成为了项目的设计主题。通过中庭的置入,可以将自然光引入住宅内部。在中性色调的饰面中,木材有着温暖人心的作用,而天然石材不仅提升了厨房和浴室的品味,更营造出了一种永恒感。
Benmore Ter is a six-bedroom private home tucked away on a private street, covering 5,134 square feet, where openness and connection between interior and exterior are the main themes of the project. Through the placement of the atrium, natural light can be introduced into the interior of the house. In the neutral tone of the finish, wood has a warming effect, while natural stone not only enhances the taste of the kitchen and bathroom, but also creates a sense of timelessness.



这座建于1927年的都铎风格的小屋位于迷人的Beachwood Canyon附近,曾经由著名的歌舞剧明星Lili St. Cyr所拥有,室内设有四间卧室和浴室。Ome Dezin希望能够为住宅注入新的生命力,并使其展现新的面貌。新的定制橱柜、石材、瓷砖与复古般的灯光和家具相互协调,营造出古典的浪漫氛围。
Built in 1927 in the charming Beachwood Canyon neighborhood, this Tudor-style cottage was once owned by famous musical star Lili St. Cyr and has four bedrooms and bathrooms. Ome Dezin wanted to breathe new life into the house and give it a new look. New custom cabinetry, stone and tile harmonize with vintage lighting and furniture to create a classical romantic atmosphere.



Outpost Estates坐落在著名的好莱坞露天剧场和Runyon峡谷之间的一块历史悠久的飞地上,始建于20世纪20年代,是电影明星们的理想隐居地。而Castillian住宅建于20世纪80年代,与邻近的住宅相比,它没有强烈的西班牙风格。设计师从他们的旅行历程中获取灵感,为他们设计了一些意想不到的细节。
Situated in a historic enclave between the famous Hollywood Bowl and Runyon Canyon, Outpost Estates was founded in the 1920s and is an ideal hideaway for movie stars. While the Castillian house was built in the 1980s, it does not have a strong Spanish style compared to the neighboring homes. The designers took inspiration from their journey and designed some unexpected details for them.

Ome Dezin

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Ome Dezin
