日前,南非知名建筑事务所SAOTA推出了他们的最新作品Six Senses酒店,该酒店位于迪拜号称“世界第八大奇迹”人工建造的朱美拉棕榈岛。酒店拥有60间客房和162套超豪华住宅,其中包括121套顶层公寓、32套空中别墅和9套海滨别墅。
South African architecture firm SAOTA has unveiled its latest project, Six Senses, on dubai's man-made Palm Jumeirah, dubbed the eighth wonder of the world. The hotel has 60 rooms and 162 ultra-luxury residences, including 121 penthouses, 32 sky villas and nine beachfront villas.
The design concept and inspiration for SAOTA is inspired by the coral on the ocean floor, which is a unique and symbolic presence in the UAE's aquatic ecosystem. The architectural design attempts to explore the deep connection between coral, as a natural creature, and the local customs, historical features and traditional culture of the UAE, presenting a non-linear structural narrative.
以蜂窝状的外立面来演绎建筑的节奏和韵律,虽然Six Senses酒店的建筑有意模仿珊瑚的形体结构,但其设计初衷却是为内部外延的阳台提供足够的荫蔽,这是对当地环境和气候的重要回应,也是功能与形式的巧妙结合。
The honeycomb facade conveys the rhythm and rhythm of the building. Although the building of Six Senses deliberately mimics the shape of coral, it is designed to provide sufficient shade for the balconies that extend inside, which is an important response to the local environment and climate, as well as a clever combination of function and form.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :SAOTA

