Felix Millory Architecture是一家总部位于法国巴黎的室内设计工作室,由创始人Felix Millory成立于2012年。作为一名完美主义者,Felix Millory通过对细节的精准把握来完成他所有的项目。并将所有的事物与空间和谐的结合起来,构建一种有机性是他一些列作品的核心追求。

Felix Millory Architecture is an interior design studio based in Paris, France, founded in 2012 by founder Felix Millory. As a perfectionist, Felix Millory approaches all of his projects with an accurate grasp of detail. And the harmonious combination of all things and space, to build an organic is the core pursuit of some of his works.




Collignon is a small apartment in Paris, but it has all the features. The carefully conceived form and decorative details not only enhance the aesthetic taste of the owner, but also create a warm atmosphere of warm wood and stone, which gives it more coherence and unity. The exposed beams and columns inject some barbaric characteristics into the interior, and form a visual contrast with the whole, enriching the level of the space.


这座位于法国巴黎的极简主义式公寓,保持了Felix Millory一贯的个人符号和设计风格。他对空间的理解有着系统性的思考。在此项目中,他将精心挑选的家具、陈设、饰品和经典的材料等同简约的室内相互融合,塑造一种与众不同的氛围感。
This minimalist apartment in Paris, France, maintains Felix Millory's personal symbols and design style. He thinks systematically about the understanding of space. In this project, he integrated carefully selected furniture, furnishings, accessories and classic materials into a simple interior, creating a distinctive atmosphere.


Located near the main line of the Paris Metro, the Perreire apartment has a classic minimalist style, which reflects the restrained and sophisticated contemporary Parisian style. The interior layout is flexible, with the kitchen taking the form of an open island and the semi-open washroom surrounded by a wooden fence. The outdoor bustle of the city contrasts with the quiet and comfortable atmosphere of the home, creating an urban shelter for the occupants.



Bayard是一间既优雅又温暖的私人住宅,Felix Millory善于通过精致且舒适的空间形态来叙述有趣的故事。他总是围绕着业主或使用者而进行构思,这套公寓也不例外。设计师通过木材、混凝土和大理石等材料的使用,与自身的感性色彩为家赋予了某种意义上的平衡。

Bayard is a private home that is both elegant and warm, and Felix Millory is good at telling interesting stories through sophisticated and comfortable spatial forms. He has always conceived around the owner or user, and this apartment is no exception. Through the use of materials such as wood, concrete and marble, the designer gave the home a sense of balance with its own sensual colors.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Felix Millory
