来自比利时瓦雷赫姆的Marie Lecluyse,是一位优秀的室内设计师,同时也是一名时尚爱好者。目前她成立了以自己名字命名的设计工作室——Marie Lecluyse Design,在她几乎所有的作品中,极简主义是永恒的探索主题。Marie Lecluyse善于透过事物复杂的外表,追求适应性和舒适性,还原其内在的空间本质。

Marie Lecluyse from Varehem, Belgium, is an excellent interior designer and a fashion lover. She now has her own eponymous Design studio, Marie Lecluyse Design, where minimalism is a constant theme of exploration in almost all of her work. Marie Lecluyse is good at restoring the inherent nature of space through the complex appearance of things, pursuing adaptability and comfort.

Calming Vibe


对于Marie Lecluyse而言,材料对于营造空间氛围是至关重要的,在Calming Vibe住宅的设计中,设计师采用了浅色调的饰面和天然材料的肌理来营造令人舒适的居住环境。嵌入式的收纳使空间看上去更加整体和统一;餐厅内抬高的天花板及玻璃的应用拉伸了视野,给人一种开阔并且与自然紧密相连的感觉。

For Marie Lecluyse, materials are critical to Calming a space and Calming Vibe is calming calming vibe with calming finishes and natural materials. The embedded storage space makes the space look more integrated and unified; The use of high ceilings and glass in the dining room stretches the view and gives a feeling of openness and closeness to nature.

Collecting Moments


Marie Lecluyse的设计中,天然材料是必不可少的元素之一,通过其特有的材料色调和肌理能够给人带来一种自然的氛围。玻璃也被作为该项目的主要材料,使空间变得更加通透明亮。室内的收纳、插口和部分照明用具都采用了隐藏式设计,以保持住宅的整洁性和统一性。

In Marie Lecluyse's design, natural materials are one of the essential elements, which can bring a natural atmosphere through its unique material tone and texture. Glass is also used as the main material of the project, making the space more transparent and bright. The indoor storage, socket and some lighting appliances are hidden in order to maintain the cleanliness and unity of the house.




Balance House, as its Chinese translation "balance" in general, whether from the visual and experience, or from the style, its interior has reached a sense of balance, while fully reflecting the designer's "less is more" design concept. Carefully planned functional zones increase the efficient utilization of space and enhance the home experience of residents. The application of large glass Windows introduces outdoor green plants into the interior, blurring the boundary between indoor and outdoor.

New Chapter


“极致、简约”常常被看作是Marie Lecluys的代名词,她独特的设计手法总是与其敏锐的洞察力和细腻的心思相结合。在New Chapter住宅的设计中,展现了她一贯的设计风格,营造出极简又通透的空间情境。

"Extreme, simple" is often regarded as a synonym for Marie Lecluys, whose unique design methods are always combined with her keen insight and delicate mind. In the design of the New Chapter house, her consistent design style is displayed, creating a minimalist and transparent space situation. 

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Xran
图片版权 Copyright :Marie Lecluyse
