


Telling the truth about the thoughts and sources of design is far more meaningful and important than writing a design description.

许多平面部署,大的到一城一市,小的到一宅一园,都是我们生活思想的答案,值得我们重新剖视。我们有传统习惯和趣味:家庭组织、生活程度、工作、游息,以及烹饪、缝纫、室内的书画陈设、室外的庭院花木,都不与西人相同。这一切表现的总表现曾是我们的建筑。现在我们不必削足就履,将生活来将就欧美的部署,或张冠李戴,颠倒欧美建筑的作用。我们要创造适合于自己的建筑。—— 摘自:梁思成《中国建筑史》

Many deployment plans, from a big city to a small house or a garden, are the answers to our life and thoughts, which are worth our reflections.. We have our own traditional habits and interests, from family organization, lifestyles, work, leisure, cooking, sewing, indoor painting and calligraphy furnishings to outdoor garden flowers and trees, are not the same as the Westerners. The total expression of the above materials was once presented our architecture. Now we do not have to cut our feet to suit the shoes or live our lives according to the ways that Europeans and Americans lead or confuse ourselves and reverse the role of European and American architecture. We have to create the architecture that suits us. -- From Liang Sicheng‘s The History of Chinese Architecture.

右:(2023)MAO BY MAO 诚品中心苏州店概念方案

造园,一向是非常传统中国文人的事。关于造园,近两年我常从元代画家倪瓒的《容膝斋图》讲起。那是一张典型的山水画,上段远山,一片寒林;中段池水,倪氏总是留白的;近处几棵老树,树下有亭,极简的四根柱子,很细,几乎没有什么重量,顶为茅草。这也是典型的中国园林格局,若视画的边界为围墙,近处亭榭,居中为池,池前似石似树。但我谈的不是这个,我谈态度。《容膝斋图》的意思,就是如果人可以生活在如画界内的场景中,画家宁可让房子小到只能放下自己的膝盖。——摘自:王澍 《造房子》
Garden building has always been a very traditional Chinese literati affair.About gardening, in the past two years, I often start with the painting of Rongxizhai painted by Ni Zan, a painter in the Yuan Dynasty. It is a typical landscape painting, the upper part of the distant mountains, a cold forest; in the middle of the pool, Ni always leaves it blank, and a few old trees near it, under which stands a pavilion with four simple pillars, very thin and almost weightless, topped with thatched grass. This is also a typical pattern of a Chinese garden. If the border of the painting is viewed as a wall, there is a pavilion near the painting, and the pool in the center, something in front of the pool like a stone and a tree. However, that's not what I'm talking about, and attitude is my key point . The meaning of "Rong Qi Zhai Tu" is that if people can live in the scene within the picturesque boundary, the painter would rather make the house so small that they can only put down they knees, from “Building a House" by Wang Shu. 

当我第一次站在威尼斯建筑学院大门前,瞬间就明白了困扰许久的问题,何为在地性。陆续地几天穿梭在意大利中部、南部,看了几乎所有斯卡帕建筑。在最后行程去往的布里昂夫妇墓地(Tomba Brion)时,还坐错公交车,在意大利圣维托乡村公路走了近一个多小时,当时几乎是扒着玉米田走到现场。当站在这个建筑面前时,几乎眼泪要出来。在不大的布里昂墓地里,转了接近6个小时,呆到傍晚。

When I firstly stood in front of the gates of the Architecture Institute in Venice, I immediately understood the question that has been plaguing me for a long time: What is the nature of the place? I spent several days traveling around central and southern parts in Italy, visiting almost all of Scapa's architecture. During the last trip to the cemetery of the couple of Brion (Tomba Brion), I took the wrong bus, and walked for nearly an hour on the rural road of SAN Vito, Italy. When I almost walked to the site by picking corn fields, and stood in front of this building, I was almost in tears. In the small Brion cemetery, it took me nearly 6 hours travel around and stayed until the evening.

何为在地性?它即,溯源 / 根源性。通俗来讲,就是有根。

What is earthiness?It is traceability and origin.  In popular terms, it means to be rooted.


The iconic zigzag cascade of Brion's tomb and the stackable staircase of the Quinini Stamparia Foundation's Watergate, are automatically linked to the ebb and flow of the Venetian tide. The Quillini Stamparia Foundation hides the zigzag columns of radiators and the zigzag transparent doors and Windows under the famous staircase in the Olivberti exhibition room, which are not the corner stones that can be found everywhere in Venice. The striking red steel beams of the Vicenza apartments are probably a contemporary expression of ancient Roman or Byzantine stone columns... It is very classical and futuristic.


Looking at the interior of our buildings today, where are their "roots"? This is a question worth pondering. Mr. Liang Sicheng says that the root is in the organic structure of our old architectural framework, in our traditional habits and interests of family organization, living styles, work and leisure, as well as in cooking, sewing, indoor painting and calligraphy displays, outdoor garden flowers and trees. Wang Shu mentions that it is in the garden landscape paintings of Chinese literati, and in the Rong Xizhai Painting of Ni Zan in the Yuan Dynasty. It refers to people's spiritual world in the fields, mountains and rivers, and the nature, rather than the house itself. Human beings are with the nature, who come and go, enjoying the nature and leaving much blank space.

不再拘泥于场域本身,它有广阔的天地和流动性。而这也契合MAO BY MAO品牌内核:自然、当代、人文理念。索性,我们也为她造一个小世界,把品牌精神注入进去,构建它本身的美学语言体系。

No longer confined to the field itself, it has a vast world and mobility.

 This is also in line with the core of the MAO BY MAO brand: natural, contemporary and humanistic concepts.In short, we also create a small world for her, inject the brand spirit into it, and build its own aesthetic language system.




中国本土的独立设计师服装品牌MAO BY MAO首个独立线下店落地苏州诚品中心。从品牌哲学与视觉语言的角度,另奕可能将文化的在地性、与东方精神性的表达融入空间之中。

Chinese independent designer clothing brand MAO BY MAO has opened its first independent offline store at Eslite Center in Suzhou.From the perspective of brand philosophy and visual language, ALTERNABILITY DESIGN may integrate the expression of cultural localism and Oriental spirituality into the space.

檐 & 柱 


门口一抹轻薄的屋檐,悬挑于细柱之上。再前走两步,又错落两片堆叠。这一语言的表达既是对中国传统建筑空间中“檐”与“柱”的当代性转译;同时也以在商业空间中创造一种温和、适度的围合感 。

A thin eave in the doorway overhangs a thin column, with two steps forward, and two pieces are stacked. The expression of this language is not only a contemporary translation of "eaves" and "columns" in traditional Chinese architectural space, but also aims to create a gentle and moderate sense of enclosure in the commercial space.


The deliberately controlled dark light at the entrance, unlike the harsh light guidance of 90% of stores, evokes a psychological feeling of being taken care of by customers.


The design of the front desk area covers many details. The first lies in the material. The background wall is made of stainless steel, but on top of the smooth and reflective metal texture, ALTERNABILITY DESIGN finally get the natural and time-filled texture effect today through multiple surface chemical corrosion tests. The raw material of the island comes from the old wood in Yunnan. Parts with holes and cracks are specially chosen to use in the design. In addition to the square and stiff shape, the small details bring natural experience.


The island is also like a piece of land or an island in a garden, rooted in the space. The exterior shape is simple, and the interior has another world. Integrated cashier, storage, storage and other functions, in the table and the base part is also accompanied by the design of transparent stone. On the one hand, the space atmosphere is adjusted by lighting, and on the other hand, it can better assist customers to view the material and texture of clothing on the transparent stone, helping customers understand the brand characteristics.


When comes to wall and background wall design, the top of the ceiling appears the brand LOGO formed by the "square corner circle".


The restrained language contains rich details, and the wrought iron candy box also takes the form of a "square corner circle".



由画入景,另奕可能在空间中筑起一座意向性的“亭”,供与顾客的试衣&休歇区域 。

From the painting into the scene, ALTERNABILITY DESIGN may build an intentional "pavilion" in the space for fitting and rest zone for customers.

结构框架采用在服装陈设中最经常用到的“衣杆”,通过这一简单元素的反复重构、组合,抽象性地搭建出一方属于MAO BY MAO的小世界。

The structural frame adopts the "clothes pole", which is most frequently used in clothing furnishings. Through repeated reconstruction and combination of this simple element, a small world which belongs to MAO BY MAO is built abstractly.


Here, we imagine that it is a random natural forest land, which is an "inner garden" that can carry the spirit. The slender poles are combined with each other to reconstitute the "garden" intention in the space.

法国艺术家Pierre Sernet曾经周游世界,在他的“One”系列摄影作品中,艺术家随机选择来自不同文化背景的客人,并邀请他们在由12根木棍组成的便携式的“立方体”中品一碗茶。

French artist Pierre Sernet once traveled around the world. In his "One" series of photographs, the artist randomly selects guests from different cultural backgrounds and invites them to sip a cup of tea in a portable "cube" made of 12 sticks.



The 12 sticks also create an "illusion of space" with minimal intervention: it seems that any cultural, spiritual, religious or philosophical value can be contained within the cube's field, and the human mind is scattered between the heaven and the earth. From garden to the nature, ALTERNABILITY DESIGN may also try to construct a similar "spiritual freedom" in the language of design.


The "screen" used to enclose the pavilion in Wen Zhengming's Twelve Pictures of Humble Administrator's Garden can be very low in scale, and the distance between people and natural plants and trees can be easily reached at any time.Inspired by this, ALTERNABILITY DESIGN uses simple and contemporary language to add a "painting screen" on the side of the pavilion.


Corresponding to the light painting screen under the command of Oriental aesthetics, is the heavy screen appearing in the Scapa Castle museum.In the extremely high space of the castle, the height of the screen is the modulus size, and the height of people standing to reach out their hands. A background color with memory is formed in the space.


In addition, ALTERNABILITY DESIGN juxtaposes and contrasts the different understandings and treatments of Eastern and Western elements of the screen in the same space, with the dark green towering screen slightly in front, the warm yellow screen scattered backward, and the black backplane. Three panels with four faces, form a natural flow of space, and also complete the shelter and smart response to the rear fire escape in the turn of color, advance and retreat.

石 & 桥 



Stones are one of the necessary elements of garden landscaping.In this design, the designer recycled, cut and designed the original or abandoned stone, and recombined it into an art installation with contemporary characteristics and a new landscape visual language.


The installation of three white jade stones interlocking with each other is a contemporary translation of the "Taihu Stone".


The furniture in the space is also specially designed and customized by ALTERNABILITY DESIGN. The "stone slab bridge" in the garden of art garden is the prototype, and the shape is with twists and turns, which can be used as furniture for customers to rest. It can also be used as a display stand for exhibitions.

目光所及的家具,都可以随时在店铺中移动,这一灵活性的设计是遵循可持续与环保的品牌理念,也是回应“艺术策展型商店”计划,即空间中的一切陈设都是可以移动、可拆卸的,在未来MAO BY MAO与艺术家的合作展览中,这一空间也将变为是艺术的展览空间,而不仅仅作为衣物的展示而存在。

The furniture within the reach of the light can be moved in the store at any time. This flexible design follows the brand concept of sustainability and environmental protection, and also responds to the plan of "Art curated store". That means, all the furnishings in the space can be moved and detachable. In the future, under the cooperation between MAO BY MAO and artists, this space will also become an art exhibition space, more than a display of clothing.



MAO BY MAO 24年春季主题“林中空地”,来自哲学家海德格尔的《存在与时间》。澄明能够照进林中空地,乃是一切在场者和不在场者的敞开之境。

The theme of MAO BY MAO 2024 Spring "Glade in the Woods," is from philosopher Heidegger's Being and Time. Clarity. Shinning into the glade, it is the opening situation of all, including people who are present and those who are not.


ALTERNABILITY DESIGN, in the corner of the window, with the old Eastern beam dialogue being abandoned by the Western marble, response to this theme. The pedestal is the place where they meet, and they are "attracted" together by the weight of the earth.


In the original proposal for the space, or in the conceptual renderings of ALTERNABILITY DESIGN, there was a white steed. The designer mentions that it was a tool used by the ancients to measure the world, and the horse is essential. Plus, in the case of space shooting, the designer team actually has realized the original concept idea. That night at 5 o 'clock in the morning in Suzhou City, the moment of chasing wind (Ma's name) running in the city road, a long roaring of Freedom and Sounds of Nature -- at that moment, we seem to witness the eastern spirit appearing and lingering in the city.

项目名称:MAO BY MAO 就是造一个小世界
Project Name: MAO BY MAO is creating a new world
项目地址:中国 苏州 
Location:  SuZhou, China
Area: 170㎡
Client: MAO BY MAO
Leading Designer: Harvey Wong
Design Team Members: Harvey Wong、Ruitao Xuan
Construction Designer: Jing Liu 
Construction: Youcheng Feng
Photographer:Wang Ke
Photographer: Huang Xiaodong

鸣谢:MAO BY MAO全体同仁 、一尚门及参与团队 、苏州诚品生活 、追风及它的驯养员

Thanks To: all working staff of MAO BY MAO, the participating team from Yishangmen,  Yang from Eslite Bookstore in Suzhou and Zhuifeng as well as its trainers

王晗文 Harvey Wong
另奕可能 创始人&设计总监
一间多学科创新型设计研究室。专业范围涵盖:建筑、室内设计、家具、装置及品牌咨询等。2017年成立于中国广州,「当代 先锋 实验 设计团体」是品牌核心与愿景。另奕可能以空间为媒介平台发声,在无规则边界探索建构当代设计文明的可能性。当代区别于现代设计,旨在提供多元与贴合人心的设计;先锋指设计本身前瞻性与国际化视野;而实验则是对材料在地性与创新性研究探索。
ALTERNABILITY DESIGN is amulti-disciplinary, innovative design research laboratory with professionalservices covering architecture, interior design, furniture, decoration, andbrand consulting. Founded in Guangzhou, China, in 2017, “Contemporary, Pioneer,Experimentation, Design Organization" is the brand's core and vision.ALTERNABILITY may usethe space as a media platform to voice its ideas,exploring the possibility of constructing a contemporary design civilisationina world without boundaries.Contemporary is different from moderndesign, aiming to deliver diverse and people-oriented design. At the same time,Pioneer refers to the forward-looking and international vision of the designitself. Experimentation is about the research and exploration of the localityand innovation of materials.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
     排版 Editor:Lu JY     校对 Proof:Xran   
图片版权 Copyright :另奕可能
