
Plainoddity is an interior design studio based in South Korea, mainly involved in space design and furniture design, and actively participated in the whole process from construction to final landing. They are good at finding inspiration from the surrounding things, Spaces and environments, and on the basis of exploring and discovering the nature of space, they give space "Oddity" ideas, trying to create a unique environmental atmosphere.

Whiskey Bar


This minimalist whiskey bar in Seoul, South Korea, just like the whiskey takes on different shades and flavors as it ferments in oak barrels, the bricks used inside vary depending on the soil composition and baking form. The vertical arched ceiling, reminiscent of the traditional tile shape, is the physical feature of the interior. The way the wine rack is displayed in a staggered arrangement adds an engaging visual dynamic to the space.

Dark And Light Restaurant

这家意大利餐厅由“光明与黑暗”两个主题所构建,并呈现二者相互循环的形态。“Light Space”试图表达光明和亮度、轻盈和开放的性质;“Dark Space”则表现为黑暗、沉重和封闭的属性。餐厅走廊的墙壁由规则的网格重复组成,以灯光的形式引导顾客前往主入口。其中一个明亮温暖的庭院被布置于核心区,便于从任何角度都可以欣赏到它。
This Italian restaurant is built around the theme of "light and dark" and presents the form of the two interacting. "Light Space" tries to express the nature of light and brightness, lightness and openness; "Dark Space" is characterized by its dark, heavy and closed properties. The walls of the restaurant corridor are composed of regular grid repeats that guide customers to the main entrance in the form of lights. One of the bright and warm courtyards is placed in the core area so that it can be easily viewed from any Angle.

Oase Wellness


Oase Wellness是一处推广健康生活方式的空间,客人可以在这里享受悠闲的生活,专注于身体的恢复。其一楼配置了基于“身体和心灵平衡”的瑜伽、普拉提以及社区休息室和展览空间;二楼设置了冥想室和需要提前预订的茶室。茶室的入口使用了光滑的拱门,塑造一种关注空间本身的感官体验。
Oase Wellness is a space that promotes a healthy lifestyle where guests can enjoy a laid-back life focused on physical recovery. The first floor is equipped with yoga and pilates based on "body and mind balance" as well as community lounges and exhibition Spaces; The second floor has a meditation room and a tea room that requires advance booking. The entrance to the tea room uses a smooth arch to create a sensory experience that focuses on the space itself.

Pink Gorilla Coffee


大猩猩性情看似凶猛,但其实是一种素食动物,Pink Gorilla咖啡馆将大猩猩性格差异的魅力作为空间的设计理念。赋予它岩石般坚硬外壳并以粉色为内饰,展示其温和、柔顺的个性,并尽可能的在粉色的基调中使用不同的装饰材料,令空间在视觉上更显丰富。而室内多边形桌椅和地铺,则是为了更好的隐喻大猩猩粗犷的外形。
The Gorilla looks fierce, but it is actually a vegetarian animal, and Pink Gorilla Cafe uses the charm of gorilla personality differences as the design concept of the space. Give it a rock-hard shell and pink interior to show its gentle, flexible personality, and use different decorative materials in the pink tone as much as possible to make the space more visually rich. The interior polygonal tables, chairs and floors are designed to better metaphor the rugged shape of the gorilla.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Plainoddity
