Note Design Studio,总部设在斯德哥尔摩,自2008年成立至今,作品遍布世界各地。Note是一家具有前瞻性的多元化设计工作室,业务涉及建筑、室内设计到产品设计,再到品牌策划、平面视觉和艺术指导。并对细节、工艺的极致追求,为每个项目都注入了独属的个体符号。

Note Design Studio, based in Stockholm, has been working around the world since 2008. Note is a forward-thinking and diversified design studio that works from architecture and interior design to product design to brand planning, graphic vision and art direction. And the ultimate pursuit of details and craftsmanship has injected unique individual symbols into each project.

Samsen Domus

"家 "的概念

Samsen Domus的设计灵感来源于“家”的概念,办公室的功能性与老式公寓的轻松和家的氛围融为一体。室内设置了图书室、起居区、厨房和宽敞的工作空间,两张定制而成的大桌子取代了通常使用的个人办公桌。嵌入式和开放式书架为室内提供了充足的收纳空间,活泼的色调旨在帮助身处其中的人保持警觉和专注,使他们在忙于思考的同时也能有着不一样的松弛感。
Samsen Domus' design is inspired by the concept of "home", where the functionality of the office blends with the relaxed and homey atmosphere of an old-fashioned apartment. The interior features a library, living area, kitchen and spacious work space, with two large customised tables replacing the usual personal desks. Built-in and open bookshelves provide plenty of storage space, and the lively colors are designed to help those inside stay alert and focused, allowing them to feel relaxed while busy thinking.

Lammhults Design Group


In the new space, the combination of classic and modern elements shows visitors how to rationally optimize the everyday workplace. On the basis of the original building structure such as brick and concrete, restrained and vivid materials such as steel and mirrors are added to contrast with the historical atmosphere of the past, breaking through the stylistic limitations of modern architecture. The fusion of old and new makes this unusual space highlight the unique material image of each piece of furniture.

K6 Malmö For Helio


K6Helio在斯德哥尔摩以外的第一个联合办公空间,位于市中心的Kungsgatan 6 Malmö。Note受到后现代主义建筑的启发,以“构建以人为本的工作场所”为目标,并进行多次的尝试和非常规的组合形式来打造合作和思想交流的平台,为不同访客提供开放和多样化的社区空间。而深浅色调的搭配、高光表面的漆木,则营造出了一种温馨、舒适的空间氛围。

K6 is Helio's first co-working space outside Stockholm, located at Kungsgatan 6 Malmo in the city centre. Inspired by postmodernist architecture, Note aims to "build a human-centered workplace" and has made many attempts and unconventional combinations to create a platform for cooperation and exchange of ideas, providing an open and diverse community space for different visitors. The combination of dark and light colors and the lacquered wood on the high light surface create a warm and comfortable space atmosphere.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校对 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Note Design Studio
