Yond Interiors是一家总部位于美国的室内设计工作室,由设计师Julia Miller创立。专注于细节的构建,通过对比例、光和平衡的不断探索,为日常生活营造了诚实而温馨的居住环境。他们价值观的形成无不源于对历史建筑致敬、对量身定制作品的热爱,以及对打造专属场所的兴趣,正是这种精神驱动着他们创造出特定的、拥有有趣灵魂的空间。

Yond Interiors is a Us-Based interior design studio founded by designer Julia Miller. A focus on the construction of details, through the constant exploration of proportion, light and balance, creates an honest and welcoming living environment for everyday life. Their values are shaped by a tribute to historic architecture, a love of tailor-made work, and an interest in creating exclusive places, which drives them to create specific Spaces with interesting souls.

Wabi-Sabi Cottage



Wabi-sabi Cottage is a five-bedroom private home with four bathrooms that not only reflects its natural world in its use of materials -- prioritizing the soft, warm touch and texture of materials outside, The ethos of the house also conveys the wabi-Sabi aesthetic lifestyle through the application of thoughtful colors, the use of restrained but consistent graphic elements and finishing materials.

Yond Cottage


位于Superior湖畔的Yond Cottage,完美地展示了Yond Interiors的设计理念及其赋予空间“诚实而温馨”的目标追求。受项目所在地自然环境的影响,工作室将“探险”作为设计的主要出发点,创造了一处为居住者量身打造的生活空间,并实现Yond小屋在未来提供短期出租的可能。

Located on the shores of Superior Lake, Yond Cottage is the perfect showcase for the design philosophy of Yond Interiors and its quest to make Spaces "honest and welcoming". Influenced by the natural environment of the project, the studio took "adventure" as the main starting point of the design, creating a living space tailored to the occupants and realizing the possibility of Yond cottage being offered for short-term rental in the future.

Scandi Retreat


这间位于明尼苏达州的Scandi Retreat,经过Yond Interiors的设计,形成了一处集功能与美学于一体的私人住宅。室内有着平静的氛围,旨在鼓励家庭之间的交流,以增强家人的相互联系,塑造家的凝聚力。设计师将温暖而富有质感的纺织品与有机天然材料结合,为日常的生活增添独特的色彩。

This Scandi Retreat in Minnesota was designed by Yond Interiors to create a private home that combines function and aesthetics. The interior has a calm atmosphere, designed to encourage communication between families, in order to strengthen the family's mutual contact and shape the cohesion of the home. Designers combine warm and textured textiles with organic and natural materials to add a unique color to everyday life.

Portland Ave


这间有着悠久历史的私人住宅,是Yond Interiors为忙碌的家庭而创造出一处修养身心的“家”。新的住宅内部充满了有趣的线条和形状、丰富的肌理以及专门陈列着具有独特意义的传家之物,这些无不反映了工作室的一种设计态度——室内的每一处细节都值得被关注、被尊重。
This historic private home was created by Yond Interiors as a retreat for busy families. The interior of the new house is full of interesting lines and shapes, rich textures and dedicated to the display of unique family items, which all reflect the studio's design attitude - every detail of the interior deserves attention and respect.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Yond Interiors
