​“我并不是一个墨守成规的人,我能清晰的认识到,设计构成了我生活重要的一部分。我想我们都能在执着的信念指引下实现自己的理想,对我来说,这就是秩序和平衡,它们是可以用来定义我的设计的。 ”——Francesc Rifé


男装商店 / 马德里

马德里NINO ALVAREZ男装商店,为Francesc Rifé工作室的最新设计作品,工业风的色调以一种未来主义的特性呈现出来。虽然定制不锈钢产生的错觉体现了空间的变化,但Marquina大理石的经典特征让人想起了品牌的文化渊源和精致的产品风格。

The new design languagecreated for the NINO ALVAREZ menswear stores arrives in MADRID with a more futuristic and industrial tone. Although the illusions generated by stainless steel speak of change and experimentation, the classic character of Marquina marble reminds us of the roots and the sophisticated style that has always defined the brand.


The steel plates cover the entire side of the space where the entrance, the counter, a bar and office area are located, and finally most of the dressing rooms that are located at the back of the store. On the other hand, the natural veins of the marble tiles draw an original scene in the rest of the project that is reminiscent of a large abstract painting. A metal backbone extends from the ceiling throughout the space, incorporating technical lighting and creating structures that descend and allow garments to be hung. As a neutral background for these and other more integrated exhibition areas, gray concrete has been used, which also covers the floor. Under the same idea of impartiality, black-stained oak wood forms support elements: tables, display stands and shelves that radically cross the space, absorbing the structural pillars of the project.

MIMAR Restaurant

地中海餐厅 / 瓦伦西亚


MIMAR Restaurant is located on Patacona Beach in Alboraya (Valencia). MIMAR means To give someone special treatment, making that person feel as comfortable as possible. To catch the Mediterranean spirit and a relaxed mood, warm materials and attention to detail are the core of this new restaurant. The design finds its expression in the use of wooden latticework, Valencian ceramic tiles, and metal structures which organize the space and control excess light.

The attention to detail is evident with the selection of furniture in green and earthy colours, and the subtle but distinctive lighting of the Jaima suspension lamps by Marset. On the other hand, a lounge area introduces outdoor sofas and armchairs into the project that invite you to experience the premises from a more relaxed perspective. The result is a welcoming setting in balance with the brown color of the restaurant's interior, where the stained poplar wood lattice system is enriched with curtains to evoke the intimacy of home.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Xran   校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Francesc Rifé

