Paolo Ferrari是一位国际型知名设计师,在加拿大多伦多成立了自己同名的设计工作室Studio Paolo Ferrari,这是一个多学科的设计工作室,专注于室内和家具设计。工作室希望通过触感来表达材料的真实性,同时令形式与功能相互并置,呈现一种意想不到的视觉感受。
Paolo Ferrari is an internationally renowned designer who founded his eponymous design Studio Studio Paolo Ferrari in Toronto, Canada, which is a multidisciplinary design studio focused on interior and furniture design. The studio hopes to express the authenticity of the material through touch, while simultaneously juxtaposing form and function to present an unexpected visual experience.

The Bedford

Studio Paolo Ferrari受邀负责展示廊和The Bedford住宅的室内设计。身临其境的沉浸式体验,超出了人们对项目的最初期望。展示廊仿佛将顾客引入了一个在熟悉与意外间徘徊的一处艺术地带的旅程之中,突显了多伦多精品房产The Bedford的非凡魅力。
Studio Paolo Ferrari was invited to design The gallery and The Bedford house. An immersive experience that exceeds people's initial expectations for the project. The gallery takes the visitor on a journey between the familiar and the unexpected, highlighting The Bedford, a boutique property in Toronto.

Long Bar


Long Bar酒吧是知名奢侈品牌Raffles Hotels and Resorts在北美开设的首家酒店,整体的设计理念是在向新英格兰大都市的历史传统表示致敬的同时,还引入了现代的细节和低调的精致、永恒的构思以及大胆独特的装饰元素为主导。酒店客房/公寓位于17层,面积约为1700平方英尺,并拥有一处805平方英尺的露台,于此可以欣赏城市的天际线。

The Long Bar is Raffles Hotels and Resorts' first hotel in North America, and the overall design concept pays homage to the historic traditions of the New England metropolis, while introducing modern details and underscoring sophistication, timeless ideas, and bold and unique decorative elements. Located on the 17th floor, the rooms/apartments measure approximately 1700 square feet and feature an 805 square foot terrace with views of the city skyline.



Unlike the typical restaurant layout, the Daphne restaurant consists of a series of unique and individual rooms, each of which draws on a different cinematic style. Here, New England nostalgia merges with wonder and eccentricity to create imaginative and creative Spaces that are at once intimate and grand, whimsical and sculptural, joyous and experimental, a house that evolves over time and becomes timeless.

The dining room is built on a huge scale, with dramatic vaulted ceilings and a warm neutral colour palette. In the middle are the dining tables, each fitted with a round striped sofa and two fluffy chairs. The open kitchen is visible through an archway on one side, while the dining area is dark and cosy with burnt orange accents on the other.

Paolo Ferrari


Exclusive Interview


Yinji:When designing space, you will take feelings and emotions as the starting point, and then organize and express their materials and shapes? How to do this expression well?

Paolo Ferrari:确实,我认为这是对我们工作方式最好的一种总结。过去,大家认为奢侈品是稀有的、优质的、最昂贵的,在某种程度上,我们认为这是一种过时的想法。相反,我们的工作方法更多的是与艺术有关。更确切地说,正如我前面所讲的与情感相关,我们试图去创造一种敬畏感,一种体验。这对我们来说,往往是将相互对立的元素如何结合起来,因为那才是创意的起点,令人兴奋的是,这种想法其实是不明显的、不典型的、甚至是意料之外的。

Paolo Ferrari:Yes, I think that's a good summary of how we work. In the past, the concept of luxury is usually the rarest, premium thing, the most expensive thing, and in a way, we think this is an outdated idea. Instead, our approach to work is more about art. Rather, as I said earlier in relation to emotion, we try to create a sense of awe, an experience, which for us is often a combination of opposing elements. Because that's where the idea starts, it's exciting that the intent is actually unobvious, atypical, or even unexpected.


Because it leads you down a more creative path, the sense of experience is very important to us. We often try to strike a balance between familiar and new territory or familiar and creative, experimental territory. Often, I believe that if something is too experimental, it can feel foreign. So for us, what we're after is a sense of awe or we use the word sublime, and there's a philosophical saying that's very similar to the concept of awe, which is a wonderful emotion, an indescribable beauty. For us, it's somewhere between the familiar and the new, it's here somewhere, and that's how we approach things.


Yinji:Each of your projects has its own innovation and uniqueness. Does your project have anything or experience that has been handed down?

Paolo Ferrari: 我认为我们做的所有工作都存在一定的联系,也许不是一眼能看出来的。但我认为这取决于我们处理项目的方法,我认为一般来说,这些项目都是关于想法的碰撞,都是两种不同的观点产生碰撞。所以我想,我们的项目中都有探索的部分,不管我们在做什么项目,这个探索的想法真的很重要,我想说的是,其中一个重要的方面是对项目和技术持开放的态度,所以我们总是带着开放的心态进入一个项目,有信心去发现什么样的设计是最能满足客户的要求和适合项目的,我们喜欢接受客户带来的挑战,所以在某种程度上,这是连接所有作品的线,我想说我们所追求的不是一个教条的,固化的想法,我们更关注是想法和过程。

Paolo Ferrari: I think all the work we do is connected in some way, maybe not at a glance. But I think it depends on how we approach projects, and I think generally these projects are all about the collision of ideas, the collision of two different viewpoints. So I think, we all have an exploration part in our projects, no matter what project we're doing, this idea of exploration is really important, and I would say one of the important aspects is being open to the project and the technology , so we always go into a project with an open mind and have the confidence to discover what kind of design is the best to meet the client's requirements and fit the project, we like to accept the challenge that the client brings, so to a certain extent, This is the thread that connects all the works, and I would say that what we are after is not a dogmatic, fixed idea, we are more concerned with the idea and the process.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer:Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Paolo Ferrari

