Dries De Malsche,创立于2011年,是比利时一家专注于商业和住宅的室内设计工作室。他们以简约、宁静的空间氛围营造为设计核心,以实现温暖的家居和工作环境为服务宗旨,并将具体功能与美学标准转化为精致的细节和人性化的考虑,创造一种舒适的、具有品质的生活场景。

Dries De Malsche, founded in 2011, is a Belgian interior design studio focusing on commercial and residential. They take simple and quiet space atmosphere as the design core, in order to achieve a warm home and work environment for the purpose of service, and the specific function and aesthetic standards into exquisite details and human considerations, to create a comfortable, quality life scene.

Penthouse TL


这是一处极简主义式住宅,Dries De Malsche将其打造成一个有着趣味的、温暖的、满足可持续理念的现代意义上的家。简洁的色调、灵活的动线和开阔的室外视野成为了空间的主要特色。设计师根据业主的客观需求和个人喜好,将这个素雅、简练又舒适的场所以温馨之家形式完美地呈现出来。
A minimalist house, Dries De Malsche transformed it into a modern home with fun, warmth and a sense of sustainability. Simple colors, flexible lines and open views are the main features of the space. Designers according to the objective needs and personal preferences of the owners, this simple, simple and comfortable place in the form of a warm home perfectly presented.

Case Study Apartment


该公寓使用木作为空间的主要材料,以营造一种自然的、闲适的生活方式,极简的设计风格使场所呈现洗练、通透、温润之感。Dries De Malsche采用了极少的装饰材料丰富视觉的层次,而嵌入式的设计在增加收纳储存空间的同时,也一定程度上保持了住宅的整体性与纯粹性。
The apartment uses wood as the main material of the space to create a natural and relaxed lifestyle. The minimalist design style makes the place clean, transparent and warm. Dries De Malsche uses very few decorative materials to enrich the visual layers, while the embedded design increases the storage space while maintaining the integrity and purity of the house to a certain extent.

Mees Van De Wiele Gallery


设计师以木材和玻璃等主要材料,为画廊Mees Van De Wiele营造了一种自然而又现代的空间氛围。玻璃在室内中起到有效的分隔作用,使空间之间的视野变得开阔,同时增加了展品悬挂的数量。色调和造型虽然简洁,但有了艺术品的点缀和木质天花造型的结构丰富了空间的层次。
Using wood and glass as the main materials, the designer created a natural yet modern atmosphere for the gallery Mees Van De Wiele. The glass acts as an effective divider in the interior, widening the view between Spaces and increasing the number of suspended exhibits. Although the tone and shape are simple, the embellishment of artworks and the structure of the wooden ceiling shape enrich the level of space.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Dries De Malsche
