Mollie Aspen酒店位于山城科罗拉多州的闹区Aspen,是CCY Architects负责设计新建的一处可以俯瞰壮丽山景的度假胜地,周围还有几处私人住宅。这家拥有68间客房的酒店,由纽约工作室Post Company担纲室内设计,将当代的斯堪的纳维亚和日式设计元素相结合,营造出洛基山(Rocky Mountain)不一样的奢华与宁静氛围。

The Mollie Aspen Hotel is located in the downtown area of Mountain City, Aspen, Colorado, and was designed by CCY Architects. The 68-room hotel's interiors, created by New York studio Post Company, combine contemporary Scandinavian and Japanese design elements to create an atmosphere of Rocky Mountain luxury and tranquility.


With an open fireplace as a backdrop, the lobby lounge at Mollie Aspen features earth-toned furniture and a gridded wood ceiling. An abundance of wood can be found throughout the different spaces, with numerous varieties creating a layered effect of different colours and grain patterns. An all-day cafe at the opposite end of the lobby serves pastries and an assortment of beverages from a walnut-wrapped counter, and the restaurant.


The team was also greatly influenced by the Bauhaus style and its impact on Aspen. “In the spirit of the Bauhaus, geometric lines harmonize with natural woods, earthen ceramics, and hand-dyed textiles. The majority of the materials used in Mollie's construction were sourced from the Western United States. Meanwhile, other accents like earthen ceramics, hand-dyed textiles and sand-casted brass add to the cosy atmosphere. "These materials are incorporated throughout the hotel to mimic the area's rough-hewn mountains while large windows frame views of the surrounding landscape and bring an abundance of light into the hotel," said the team.

Post Company设计的室内,无不散发着Japandi的风格意味,如客房里摆放着野口勇设计的灯具,纯粹舒适的天然木材遍布于整个空间等。同时对于Aspen本身的赞颂也随处可见,白橡木的木制品宛如Aspen当地的树干,而石灰石墙壁则与透过窗户所看到的室外雪的颜色相仿。混凝土地板与温暖的当地石材相映成趣,而茶几旁则散落着一地关于滑雪主题的书籍。

The interiors, dreamed up by Post Company exude a Japandi energy at first: guest rooms, for example, have Noguchi lamps, whereas clean woods abound. Yet look closely, and odes to Aspen itself are everywhere: the white oak millwork resembles that of an Aspen tree trunk, while the lime-wash walls are the same shade as the snow visible through the windows. Concrete floors are mixed with warm local stone, and ski-themed coffee table books are strewn across surfaces.

Post Company Ruben Caldwell 在谈到该酒店的设计时说:“Mollie是对Aspen作为艺术、文化和探险胜地的一种致敬。”酒店专为那些对自然界充满好奇心和有着浓厚兴趣的人而服务,为他们在喧闹的山城提供了一处独特而温馨的休憩之所。

“Mollie is an homage to Aspen’s reputation as a place of art, culture, and adventure,” Ruben Caldwell of Post Company says of the hotel’s design. Mollie is designed for those with a natural curiosity and appreciation for connection and offers visitors a unique, welcoming respite in the bustling mountain town. 

Post Company


Post Company成立于2012年,由合伙人Ruben CaldwellJou-Yie ChouLeigh Salem共同主持,是一家屡获殊荣的多学科设计工作室,业务涉及酒店、零售和住宅类型等。Post Company 主张,“设计是美、优雅和实用的一种综合体现”。

Post Company is an award-winning, multidisciplinary design firm that works across hospitality, retail and residential typologies. Founded in 2012, and led by partners Ruben Caldwell, Jou-Yie Chou, and Leigh Salem, Post Company crafts environments that are simultaneously comprehensive in their approach and exacting in their detail. Post Company believes that design lives at the intersection of beauty, elegance, and utility.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer:Xran Chen     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Post Company

