Sella Concept是一家位于英国的室内设计工作室,由设计师Tatjana SteinGayle Noonan共同成立,专注于打造具有沉浸式体验感的商业空间,以此吸引并鼓励访客步入其中,一探究竟。同时,他们还具有视觉图文、平面设计以及活动策划的经验,能够为不同的项目提供全方位的设计服务。
Sella Concept, a UK-based interior design studio co-founded by designers Tatjana Stein and Gayle Noonan, focuses on creating immersive commercial Spaces that attract and encourage visitors to step into and explore them. At the same time, they also have experience in visual graphics, graphic design and event planning, and can provide a full range of design services for different projects.

Locke Am Platz In Zürich


Locke Am Platz酒店位于苏黎世以无垠绿地和植物园而闻名的Enge。酒店共六层,设有80个单元,包括客房、单间和套房,以及餐厅与酒吧等社交空间。Sella Concept以当地精神为设计理念,从苏黎世的城市中汲取灵感,通过独特而精致的设计语言反映他们的文化特征。客房采用定制的装饰性窗帘,营造了一种温暖与奢华感,平衡其大胆个性的风格,同时构建出宁静的氛围。
Locke Am Platz is located in Zurich's Enge, which is famous for its endless green Spaces and botanical gardens. The hotel has 80 units across six floors, including rooms, studios and suites, as well as social Spaces such as a restaurant and bar. Sella Concept takes the local spirit as its design concept, drawing inspiration from the city of Zurich and reflecting their cultural identity through a unique and sophisticated design language. The rooms feature custom decorative curtains that create a sense of warmth and luxury, balancing their bold personality while creating a serene atmosphere.

London Abode


这是为一位富有创造力的西班牙平面设计师设计的私宅,Sella Concept从业主的西班牙基因中获取灵感,以温暖、雕塑感为切入,将空间改成造具有两间次卧和一个宽敞的套房式主卧的住宅,并将一个小型的露台改造成小餐厅,来扩展顶层空间。室内充满了华丽感和欧洲风情,令人沉醉,而各种古董家具与定制家具,则彰显其永恒的魅力。
Designed as a private home for a creative Spanish graphic designer, Sella Concept draws inspiration from the owner's Spanish DNA and, with a warm, sculptural feel, transforms the space into a residence with two secondary bedrooms and a spacious en-suite master bedroom, and extends the top floor by converting a small terrace into a small dining room. The interior is filled with a sense of opulence and European charm, while a variety of antique and custom furniture highlights its timeless charm.

Birch Selsdon Hotel


Birch Selsdon酒店位于Croydon区一座建于19世纪的豪宅之中,共有181间客房、一个健康房和泳池、联合办公区以及一系列的餐厅和酒吧。Sella Concept采取了一种恢复性的方法对室内进行翻修和改造,大部分现有的装修被拆除,使原始建筑得以裸露出来。
Birch Selsdon is located in a 19th century mansion in Croydon and has 181 rooms, a wellness room and pool, co-working areas and a range of restaurants and bars. Sella Concept took a restorative approach to renovating and transforming the interior, with most of the existing finishes being removed, leaving the original building exposed.

Sella Concept


Exclusive Interview
Q1:Sella Concept是如何创立的?
Q1: How did Sella Concept come about?

Tatjana Stein:我们相识于一个难忘之夜,当时我们正在筹备伦敦的Clerkenwell工作室,从初步的概念阶段到最终的开业,都是我们一手策划和设计的。我们对设计、工艺和构建空间的热情逐渐被凸显出来,我们共同参与了一系列的其他项目......同时,我们也一起坠入了爱河!
Tatjana Stein: We met during a period of sleepless nights while working on launching Clerkenwell London – a space we curated and designed from its embryonic concept stage to its opening. Our passion for design, craftsmanship and creating spaces became apparent and launched us into a series of other projects… Oh, and we fell in love on the way!

Gayle Noonan:我喜欢每天两个人在一起工作,这会给予我前进的动力,就像我们对设计有着相同的感知一样。在共同创建工作室的过程中,很快就发现我们之间的互补性。无论是过去还是现在,它都太有趣了,不得不承认它是一份非常不普通的工作。
Gayle Noonan: The dynamic of working together on a daily basis was an aspect I loved as much as our shared sensibilities for design. While creating a brand together, it quickly became apparent that we had complementary approaches. It was and still is far too much fun that anyone would care to admit for a day job.

Q2: How do you summarise what the company does?

Tatjana Stein:我们是一个创意工作室,涉及各种项目,从概念阶段到最终的设计输出。我们专注于零售和酒店空间,因为我们对空间、材料以及平面布局如何对人类的心理产生影响而着迷。我们考虑空间内的能量和流动——每一种材料和细部的构成,通过分析品牌属性、目标受众、我们工作的环境,来鼓励与促进某些行为和情感反应。在理想的世界里,我们可以完全沉浸于品牌的设计之中,从概念到室内设计和品牌推广的整体视觉形象。从本质上说,我们设计的是一种体验!
Tatjana Stein: We are a creative studio and work on various projects from the concept stage to design in its purest form.  We focus on designing retail and hospitality spaces as we are both fascinated by the influence that space, materials and layout can have on human psychology.  We consider the energy and flow within a space – every material and minute composition, almost still life-like, to encourage and promote certain behaviours and emotive responses by really analysing the brand, the target audience and the environment of the space we work within. In an ideal world, we get to immerse ourselves fully in a brand from concept through to delivering its complete visual identity in interiors and branding.  Essentially, we design experiences!

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer:Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Sella Concept

