NW Works是一家位于西雅图的建筑事务所,由设计师Eric WalterSteve Mongillo共同成立于2007年,为不同的住宅和商业客户提供建筑与室内设计服务。事务所希望将“现代感性与建筑形式的简洁、结构、材料和自然纹理相结合,创造意料之外的惊喜”,同时融入客户的视野、建筑的细节和工艺的丰富性,设计一种永恒的、能够激发灵感以及令人产生愉悦感的宜居建筑。
NW Works is a Seattle-based architecture firm founded in 2007 by designers Eric Walter and Steve Mongillo, providing architecture and interior design services to a variety of residential and commercial clients. The studio wanted to combine "modern sensibility with the simplicity of architectural form, structure, materials and natural textures to create unexpected surprises", while incorporating the client's vision, the richness of architectural detail and craftsmanship to design a timeless, inspiring and enjoyable livable building.

Longbranch住宅是NW Works为一对西雅图夫妇所设计,他们与Key半岛有着超过35年的深厚感情,所以希望在当地的一片被人遗忘的土地之上建造一座可以俯瞰室外海景的度假住宅。他们希望为家人、朋友以及宠物狗营造一处安静且具有私密性的场所,与宁静又美丽的景观产生紧密地互动。
The Longbranch house was designed by NW Works for a Seattle-based couple who had a relationship with the Key Peninsula for more than 35 years and wanted to create a vacation home overlooking the ocean on a forgotten piece of land. They wanted to create a quiet and private place for family, friends and dogs to interact closely with the peaceful and beautiful landscape.

原建筑坐落于一处朝下的斜坡上,面向入海口,是一座老旧郊区风格的住宅,配有一个网球场,还有足够能遮挡视线的挡土墙。MW Works拆除了不必要的建筑,取而代之的是一座由一个中心主体和两个侧翼结构组成,占地约288㎡,并与地形、树木融为一体的单层式住宅。
The original building, on a downward slope facing the sea, was an old suburban-style home with a tennis court and enough retaining walls to block the view. MW Works removed the unnecessary building and replaced it with a single storey house consisting of a central main body and two flanking structures on a site of approximately 288 m2 that blends in with the topography and trees.

The owners wanted to preserve the original towering trees, so the home is structured around an entrance courtyard with a rock garden and two mature Douglas firs. A central pavilion contains common Spaces such as the kitchen, dining area and living room, while a detached garage is just steps away from the main home. The exterior of the garage is in the form of a dyed dark cedar wood and concrete mixture, which has been modified to highlight the "naturalness and fluidity of the material".

The pavilion consists of a master suite wing and a flexible guest wing and utility room, each of which has been carefully organized indoor-outdoor relationships through materials, framing and different openings to capture light and shadow, making the beauty of nature an integral part of the residential living experience. At the same time, the guest rooms provide plenty of space for the occasional child to stay, with the sleeping areas seemingly tucked away in the woods, while the public Spaces offer wider views of the landscape.

NW Works
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer:Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :MW Works
