StudioPepe是一家位于意大利米兰的室内设计工作室,由Arianna Lelli MamiChiara Di Pinto联合成立于2006年。他们凭借多元化、富有层次感和创新意识的设计出品,以及多学科的协作方式,探索出了一种独特的设计美学。

StudioPepe is an interior design studio based in Milan, Italy, founded in 2006 by Arianna Lelli Mami and Chiara Di Pinto. They have explored a unique design aesthetic with their diverse, layered and innovative designs, as well as multi-disciplinary collaboration.

Archiproducts Terra


这座历史建筑位于Navigli的中心,Studio Pepe认为地球为建造提供了真实的材料、温暖的色彩和给人带来归属感,所以他们采用自然的色调来营造视觉上的连续性,辅以暖色的灯光,将天然材料和实验材料进行结合,增强了空间间的联系。核心展厅区设定为“家”的概念,并在其他空间中,有意保留与艺术装置相关而产生的惊喜感。

The historic building is located in the heart of Navigli, and StudioPepe believed that the Earth provided the building with authentic materials, warm colors and a sense of belonging, so they used natural tones to create visual continuity, complemented by warm lighting, combining natural and experimental materials to enhance the connection between the Spaces. The core exhibition area is set in the concept of "home", and in other Spaces, the sense of surprise generated by the art installation is deliberately preserved.

Hermès Boutique


Studio Pepe为法国品牌爱马仕(Hermès)设计了一家新的旗舰店。茧形空间体现了新颖的奢华概念,令人感到舒适与亲切,空间由蜿蜒的形状和大地色调构成。弧形的立面犹如一条丝带,引导游客穿过精品店的四个房间,表现出精湛的工艺和永恒的优雅——而这正是品牌所主张的核心理念。与其相辅相成的是一个互动式的无边界空间,展示着工作室构思的动画场景。

StudioPepe has designed a new flagship store for French brand Hermes. The cocoon-shaped space embodies a novel concept of luxury, comfort and intimacy, and is composed of meandering shapes and earth tones. The curved facade, like a ribbon, guides visitors through the four rooms of the boutique, displaying exquisite craftsmanship and timeless elegance - the very core of what the brand stands for. Complementing this is an interactive, borderless space that displays animated scenes conceived by the studio.

Alimonti Milano


Studio Pepe重新塑造了位于米兰的Alimonti展厅空间。一系列的小空间给人带来不一样的惊喜,通过使用温暖的材料与色调,天然石灰立面以及立面上重要的浮雕形式,重新构建出了一个明亮的空间,同时很好地向访客们展示了品牌对于精湛工艺的追求。

Studiopepe has reinvented the Alimonti showroom space in Milan. A series of small Spaces offer a different surprise, recreating a bright space through the use of warm materials and hues, natural lime facades and important relief forms on the facades, while showing visitors the brand's commitment to exquisite craftsmanship.

Studio Pepe

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Studio Pepe

