总部位于韩国首尔的100A Associates,是一家屡获殊荣的建筑事务所,曾在多个国际型媒体上刊登过自己的作品。团队由经验丰富的年轻设计师An Kwang-IIPark Sol-Ha共同主持,其设计风格和审美趣味具有一定的现代性与前瞻性。
Based in Seoul, Korea, 100A Associates is an award-winning architectural practice that has had its work published in several international media outlets. The team is co-chaired by experienced young designers An Kwang-II and Park Sol-Ha, whose design style and aesthetic taste have a certain modernity and foresight.


100A Associates生动地诠释了EE.JAE业主的期许:“像星星一样闪耀,像云朵一样舞动。”让人感觉他的世界充满了一种神秘感。但对于建筑师而言,建筑的存在是为了使建筑本身成为一个场景,通过建造秩序和视觉上的克制,唤起内在的本质和表达亲密的关系。这种方法通过模糊真实与虚幻之间的区别、否定内部与外部之间的差异来形成新的景观。
100A Associates vividly illustrates the expectations of EE.JAE's owners: "Shine like stars, dance like clouds." It feels like his world is filled with a sense of mystery. But for the architect, the building exists to make the building itself a scene, evoking the inner essence and expressing an intimate relationship through built order and visual restraint. This approach forms a new landscape by blurring the distinction between the real and the unreal, and negating the difference between the inside and the outside.

Through the winding and rugged path, the emergence of deep and dark cracks and contours in the space generates sound resonance, dissolves unnecessary elements, expresses the purity of the transitional space, and creates an immersive atmosphere and tranquil scene. The spatiality of time is interpreted through the color of the skin and the blurred boundary, and the space is integrated in a simple and honest way. Therefore, the rational structure of space is naturally built on the basis of the structure of time.

One’s Clinic


One’s Clinic是一家家庭式诊所,希望通过与患者的深度沟通来了解病情,采用全科医生的会诊理念和生活管理方式,帮助其实现自我疗愈。100A AssociatesOne 's Clinic的身份属性为切入,对抽象思维和原始平面进行重构,塑造适合于冥想的空间氛围,创造超越单纯的治疗环境,让用户更多地关注自己的身体与内心。
One's Clinic is a family-based clinic that seeks to understand the patient's condition through in-depth communication with the patient, using the consultation philosophy and life management style of the general practitioner to help them achieve self-healing. With the identity of One's Clinic as the starting point, 100A Associates reconstructs abstract thinking and original plane, shapes the space atmosphere suitable for meditation, creates beyond the simple therapeutic environment, and allows users to pay more attention to their body and heart.

Entering the room, you can see a corridor, its columns are endless, shining in the reflection of the sun. An immersive atmosphere leads people into the interior space, to a soft three-dimensional background painted in balanced colors. When people walk in the space, it is as if the boundary between inside and outside is eliminated. A spiral staircase down reveals a dimly lit corridor that obscures the beginning and end of the site.

100A Associates


内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :100A Associates
