David Chipperfield建筑事务所成立于1985年,分别在伦敦、柏林、米兰和上海设有办事处。长期以来,事务所在国际性上为公共文化、住宅和商业类项目提供全方位的建筑和室内设计、总体规划、产品以及家具设计等服务。主张设计的趣味性,并追求有灵魂的设计与更深层次的去思考在地性带所赋予的独特魅力,而不仅仅只是塑造出表面的文化符号。
Founded in 1985, David Chipperfield Architects has offices in London, Berlin, Milan and Shanghai. For a long time, the firm has provided a full range of architectural and interior design, master planning, product and furniture design services for public cultural, residential and commercial projects internationally. It advocates the interestingness of design, pursues the design with soul and deeply reflects the unique charm given by the local zone, rather than just shaping the surface cultural symbols.

Furla Montenapoleone Milan

Furla 米兰旗舰店

Furla新的旗舰店,希望通过David Chipperfield所构思的全新概念来改造其在全球范围内的核心门店,这一概念首次在米兰落地亮相。旗舰店由两层结构组成,占地约240平方米,通过一个雕塑般的楼梯连接。在店内,借由奢华的拱门来衔接一系列重要而独特的内部空间,而拱门形式的重复出现,凸显了该品牌的文化传统和深刻内涵。

Furla's new flagship store aims to transform its core stores around the world with a new concept conceived by David Chipperfield, which debuted in Milan. The flagship store consists of a two-storey structure covering approximately 240 square meters, connected by a sculptural staircase. Within the store, a series of important and unique interior Spaces are connected by luxurious arches, the repetition of which highlights the brand's cultural traditions and deep connotations.

Akris Boutique

Akris 精品店

AKRIS是一家1922年成立于瑞士的国际时装公司,它的新旗舰店概念是由David Chipperfield与Kriemler兄弟密切合作而设计的,并以华盛顿特区的旗舰店为原型。室内采用了具有品牌熟知度的材料和制作工艺,通过三维的建筑形态和轻型的展示系统共同定义空间属性,于此,服装及配饰产品成为了视觉的焦点。

AKRIS is an international fashion house founded in Switzerland in 1922. Its new flagship store concept was designed by David Chipperfield in close collaboration with the Kriemler brothers and is based on the flagship store in Washington, DC. The interior uses materials and processes that are familiar with the brand, and defines the spatial attributes through the 3D architectural form and light display system, where the clothing and accessories products become the visual focus.

New Hyatt Hotel


新开业的凯悦酒店,位于中国的“瓷都”景德镇。这里有将近两千年的陶瓷设计、生产和烧制历史,城市的街道和平民旧房子都主要使用瓦片装饰。为了向该地区的城市文脉和建筑传统表示致敬,David Chipperfield建筑事务所和AIM建筑事务将陶瓷元素以一种巧妙的、非具象表达的融入到了酒店的建筑和室内设计当中。

The newly opened Hyatt Regency hotel is located in Jingdezhen, China's porcelain capital. It has a history of designing, producing and firing ceramics for nearly 2,000 years, and the city's streets and old civilian houses are mainly decorated with tiles. In a nod to the urban context and architectural heritage of the area, David Chipperfield Architects and AIM Architects incorporated ceramic elements into the hotel's architecture and interior in a subtle, non-figurative way.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :David Chipperfield

