Originally疗养院最初由瑞士建筑师设计,建于20世纪20年代末,由慈善组织“Soldier’s Mother”负责建造。建筑摆脱了该地区当时流行的古典主义风潮,而选择更具形象语言的中欧建筑特征。自1938年起,这类专门收治某种病例的疗养院变得过时,疗养院也因此被废弃。

Originally designed by Swiss architects, the sanatorium was built in the late 1920s by the charitable organization Soldier's Mother. The building broke away from the classicism prevailing in the region at the time in favor of more figurative Central European architectural features. Since 1938, this type of nursing home dedicated to a particular case has become obsolete, and the sanatorium has been abandoned.

如今,为Stratis Batayas所收购,他通过当代的设计语汇重新定义了接待、健康和休闲的理念,使其成为一座符合当下的度假酒店。僻静的地理位置、未受破坏的自然环境,再加上时代标志性的建筑面貌,启发K-Studio为这座建筑注入新的生命。在设计过程中,必须尊重其传统,同时通过现代的方法来诠释古老的概念。

Now acquired by Stratis Batayas, he has redefined the concepts of hospitality, health and leisure through a contemporary design vocabulary, making it a resort hotel that is relevant to the present day. The secluded location and unspoiled nature, combined with the iconic architectural features of the era, inspired K-Studio to breathe new life into the building. In the design process, it is necessary to respect its traditions while interpreting ancient concepts in a modern way.

酒店的主楼位于水平轴线上,以一条主要的走廊为基准划分平行的两翼。北翼几乎所有楼层都被规划为房间,前面的Piano Nobile”(即第一层和主要通道层)容纳了较大面积的公共区。一楼为服务功能区,在新方案中得到保留,设有厨房和餐厅,以及必要的后厨辅助区。
The main building of the hotel is located on a horizontal axis, divided into two parallel wings based on a main corridor. Almost all floors of the north wing are planned as rooms, with the "Piano Nobile" in front (i.e. the first floor and the main access floor) housing the larger public areas. The first floor is a service function area, preserved in the new scheme, with a kitchen and dining area, as well as the necessary kitchen support area.


K-Studio added a main entrance to the hotel's side facade and extended its function to the abandoned auxiliary structure, creating a second horizontal axis for the existing building. Without compromising the integrity of the main body and the ease of operation of the hotel, a total of 32 rooms were configured, which had to be connected to this additional structure.


In addition, the need to extend a suitable space on the attic level for an additional level of guest rooms also led to interesting discussions about the building's form and its origins: in contrast to the relatively low roof structure of the Greek building, K-Studio undertook geometric analysis to construct a larger slope for the missing roof, which was also a way for the concept to pay homage to its Central European architectural roots in the first place.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :K-Studio
