建筑师Sangyoon Kim于2013年在韩国首尔创立了Listen Communication设计事务所。目前事务所的主要涉及领域涵盖建筑、室内、家具、灯光以及相关联的商业品牌策划与空间设计。
Architect Sangyoon Kim founded design studio Listen Communication in Seoul, South Korea, in 2013. The firm is currently engaged in the areas of architecture, interior, furniture, lighting and associated commercial brand planning and space design.

Donation Hall 1
Donation Hall 1是一间捐赠品展厅,内部所有的展品大多为人们的自愿捐赠,便于大众更好的了解韩国的过往历史。展品被陈列在室内的中心位置,精心设计的暖色调灯光照射在展品上,使展品成为空间的视觉中心,而周围昏暗的光线和复古的色调令场所多了几分庄重感。
Donation Hall 1 is a donation hall where all the exhibits will be donated by people voluntarily so that the public can have a better understanding of the past history of Korea. The exhibits are placed in the center of the room, where carefully designed warm lighting makes the exhibits the visual center of the space, while the surrounding dim light and retro colors add a sense of gravity.

Immersive Digital Gallery
The immersive digital gallery is part of a donation gallery, and is designed to meet the needs of daily communication and rest, with a wide range of objects around it providing a brief respite while increasing curiosity and exploration. Wood, as the main surface of the space, shows the brand's unique aesthetic, while the rich texture of the space level creates a unique Oriental atmosphere.
Overlapping Traces
Overlapping Traces是一家位于韩国首尔的艺术品展厅,Listen Communication以传统的工艺为设计灵感,采用更加符合现代生活、审美和实际功用的方式,突出文化传承和创造性,将传统与当下相结合,并希望通过展览的形式使人们对传统文化有着多元的解读和产生新的认识。
Overlapping Traces is an art exhibition hall located in Seoul, Korea. Listen Communication takes traditional crafts as design inspiration, adopts a way that is more in line with modern life, aesthetics and practical functions, highlights cultural inheritance and creativity, and combines tradition with the present. And hope that through the form of exhibition to make people have a diversified interpretation of traditional culture and have a new understanding.

Woori Bank Premium
Woori Bank PremiumListen Communication为韩国友利银行单独设计的一处休息等待区。建筑师试图将他们对传统文化的理解转译为设计语言,从而使传统与当代协调地结合在一起,如此,场所自然的既具备了传统性,又成为满足当代人需求的精神空间。
Woori Bank Premium is a resting and waiting area designed solely by Listen Communication for Woori Bank. The architects try to translate their understanding of traditional culture into a design language, so that the traditional and the contemporary are coordinated together, so that the place naturally has the traditional nature, but also becomes a spiritual space to meet the needs of the contemporary people.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Listen Communication
