
The design of CB metal research exhibition hall began two years ago, when the development of the metaverse was still in full swing, and now the metaverse has become a tasteless chicken ribs, and the powerful ChatGPT was born, detonating a new round of AI craze. Business can never grow in the long run by following trends, and no matter how refined the experience of the past is, it cannot be fully adapted to the present to prepare for the future.


 In the design of the CB Metal research exhibition hall, the designer tried to think about the future business model: what should the future commercial space look like? With the advent of the virtual world, is there still a need for offline showrooms? If so, what does it do?



The designer believes that as a metal stair manufacturer, the core competitiveness of the client is not in the supply of materials, but in the exquisite craft and technology. In the virtual world, no matter how outrageous the effect can be achieved, but the consequences are not landed; The current commercial exhibition hall is busy with the display of materials and products, following the trend is only one of them, in essence, because the hard work is not home, can not show "technology", can only fight sleeve kung fu, constantly iterating products.


According to Karl Popper's "Three Worlds" theory, the first world is the physical world, which is the real world that can be perceived by human's five senses; the second world is the world of human's mind, which includes thoughts, consciousness, emotions and subjective experiences; the third world is the abstract world, which includes various symbol systems such as knowledge, language, logic, etc. The rationality that AI possesses is a kind of computing power that can dominate the third world, but it can't perceive the second world, not to mention that it can't reach the first world. ability is a kind of computing power that can dominate the third world, but it cannot perceive the second world, much less reach the first world.


AI can rapidly grasp information, integrate information, and even output information in a second, but a complete personality needs to know both feelings and feelings, at least for now, AI still lacks personality, and it will not learn to break through and create from 0 to 1. Individuality and originality are not only the product of computational rationality and logical deduction, but more importantly, the knowledge from life practice and spiritual practice.

While Westerners think in terms of "things", Chinese thinking and spirituality pursue "image". The biggest image, on the contrary, has no shape. It cannot be seen or touched, so it needs to be transformed into "image".


In the CB metal research exhibition hall, the designer integrates the "image" in his mind with the brand symbol "C" of the client, becoming the motif of building and activating the space. From the idea of the overall space to the detailed design, from the "perpetual motion machine" to the long cantilevered spiral staircase, the outline, lines, and sense of volume are all gentle and upward semicircular symbol "C".


Traditional commercial exhibition halls are mostly designed around products, and the space for displaying products is mostly a closed square room, and the stairs are often located at the corner of the space. In the CB Metal Research exhibition hall, the staircase is placed in the core of the space, like a three-dimensional sculpture to express the brand's genes and concepts. Designers believe that making products into symbols is more penetrating. The pure beauty of the scene can only attract the first wave of traffic, and the key to whether the flow can be sustained lies in the spirit of the brand itself, whether it is compatible with the audience's emotions and values.


The device is both a product and a carrier of exquisite craftsmanship. The walking frequency of people is usually 1.5~2.5Hz, the vertical natural vibration frequency of the long cantilever steel structure rotating staircase can not be less than 5Hz, and the ladder body with a span of up to 8 meters in diameter is only stirred up by two support points, which is the ultimate in the eyes of people who know the art and technology. The staircase with a clear geometric form forms an aesthetic form with a certain rhythm through the extension of its own volume in the space. The circular expansion of the space under the ladder and the sinking area enriches the overall outline and provides more possibilities for the dialogue of the space.

从 “以物为中心”到“以人为中心”,设计的重点由产品的展示转向人的体验。一以贯之的圆弧层层叠叠,如同子宫包裹孕育沉静的生命之力。
From "object-centered" to "human-centered", the focus of design shifts from the display of products to the experience of people. A continuous circle of circular layers, like a womb enveloping the quiet life of the force. 


Purple sand color as the main color of the space, chroma, chroma and shading subtle without losing enthusiasm, as a background color does not take away the light of the protagonist, but also creates a warm and pure space atmosphere. By giving up as many interval factors as possible, people can walk, rest, stay and gather in the space. Even people outside the industry can tell that this is a particularly suitable space for concave photography.


In the age of AI, a picture may not necessarily have the truth, and the body is difficult to adulterate. With the body and the heart, CB metal research exhibition hall can be transformed from a commercial space into a punch card, and its internal password chain is: product is IP, technology is exhibits, and beauty is flow.


What should the commercial space of the future look like? There are no immutable laws. For designers, questioning is an attitude. The answer matters, and it doesn't. Just like for Kuafu, running is the meaning; For Don Quixote, battle is meaning; The sun, so what's out of reach? Windmill, invincible, so what? There are 10,000 possibilities in the future, so let your imagination run wild right now.
Project Name:CB | Metal Research Eexhibition Hall

Project Location:Dongguan Tianbao Building Materials Design City

Project Area: 180㎡


Chief Designer:Hugo

Design Team:Yao Li, YAO Kaixuan, LUO Zihao

Main Materials: HBI Europe Imported Tiles | Huaqiang Guo, Jubang Coating Museum | Delin Chen

Lighting Consultant: Qianchen Lighting|Chen Yonghai

Project Photography: YOSUN|SUNWAY

胡 涛 Hugo
ONE DESIGN OFFICE provides full solutions and consultations for a variety of interior design projects such as boutique hotels, property sales centers, model spaces and offices. With brand vision and awareness, creativity and spirit of persistence, we have always been keeping abreast of the times and making forward-looking innovations in the industry. Believing that the space has a unique sense of mission and existence, we work to endow spaces with aesthetic value whilst studying on the coexistence between people and space, space and environment, environment and value relations.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
     排版 Editor:Lu JY     校对 Proof:Xran   
图片版权 Copyright :壹席设计
