Jamie Bush因其独特的敏锐力和富有远见的洞察力而广受赞誉,并善于在建筑设计之中,巧妙地融合时尚元素,同时配置生活感强烈的家具陈设,为每个项目创造出独一无二的生活品质。Jamie Bush尝试在建筑与装饰之间寻求某种内在的平衡,使建筑、景观、室内融为一体,模糊相互之间的明确界限。

Jamie Bush is widely acclaimed for his unique acumen and visionary vision, and his ability to create a unique quality of life for each project by incorporating fashion elements into his architectural design and furnishing with a strong sense of life. Jamie Bush tries to find an internal balance between architecture and decoration, making architecture, landscape and interior one and blurring the clear boundaries between each other.

Mandeville Canyon House


在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶山上这片19,000平方英尺的自然田园中,Jamie Bush携手建筑事务所Walker Workshop和景观事务所Christine London共同打造了Mandeville Canyon House项目,展示该住宅引人注目的魅力以及传达对加州生态景观的敬畏。

Mandeville Canyon House Jamie Bush has teamed up with architecture firm Walker Workshop and landscape firm Christine London to create the Mandeville Canyon House on a 19,000-square-foot natural idyllic site in the hills above Los Angeles, California, Showcasing the compelling charm of the home and conveying awe of California's ecological landscape.

设计团队希望打造一处朴实无华的家。由于加州一年四季温暖的环境变化,因而材料的选择十分重要,石灰华、白橡木、赤土陶器和西部红雪松等天然温暖的材料构成了住宅的核心DNA。建筑师Noah Walker说:“我们的设计目在于追求材料的自然素雅,强调在地性,并忠于住宅所处的自然环境。”

The design team wanted to create an unpretentious home. The choice of materials was important due to California's year-round warm environment, with naturally warm materials such as travertine, white oak, terra-cotta and western red cedar forming the home's core DNA. "Our design was aimed at the natural elegance of the materials, emphasizing the locality and staying true to the natural context of the house," said architect Noah Walker.

Mary Kitchen Home


Jamie Bush与建筑师William Hefner完美协作,给好莱坞演员Mary Kitchen位于洛杉矶的家打造出时尚华丽的大片既视感:既怀旧当代,又低调高雅。对于Mary Kitchen来说,实现了她“想要一栋与众不同,甚至超乎想象的房子。”

Jamie Bush collaborated with architect William Hefner to create a stylish, gorgeous blockbuster look for Hollywood actress Mary Kitchen's Los Angeles home: retro and contemporary, yet understatement and elegance. For Mary Kitchen, it was a realization that she "wanted a house that was different, even beyond her imagination."

这座房子设计结合了好莱坞风格、装饰艺术、热带现代主义、复古风潮以及迈阿密海滩的大胆风格。由于Mary Kitchen毫不掩饰地拒绝常规意义上的材料使用,因而她选择了新颖而不失惊艳的色调元素。从室外带有圆形的天窗、到室内色彩高调的房间和以及粉红色的水磨石地面,所有的细节都呈现了业主令人称赞的品味与格调。
The house is designed to combine Hollywood, Art Deco, tropical modernism, retro chic and the bold style of Miami Beach. Because Mary Kitchen makes no secret of her refusal to use materials in a conventional sense, she chooses to use color elements that are new and striking. From the circular skylights outside to the brightly coloured rooms and pink terrazzo floors inside, all the details reflect the owner's admirable taste and style.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :W.Yinji

撰文 Writer :Xran     校改 Proof:Da Lim

图片版权 Copyright :Jamie Bush

