Nottuo,日本知名建筑事务所,由建筑师鈴木宏平成立于2007年。公司名称 "Nottuo "是一种方言词,从不同的角度来看,它可以被解释为 "不受先入为主的思想束缚,自由思考和行动",这也成为了Nottuo的一种生活方式。
Nottuo, a well-known Japanese architectural practice, was founded in 2007 by architect Kkouhei Suzuki. The company name, "Nottuo ", is a dialect word which, from a different perspective, can be interpreted as "free to think and act without preconceived notions" and became a way of life at Nottuo.
Recently, Nottuo, a leading architecture firm in Japan, has brought their new work Naoshima Lodge, a modern Japanese luxury hotel that combines design, art and architecture. The project is located on Naoshima Island, one of the "art islands" of Japan's Kaishan Prefecture, in a quiet, undisturbed area.
Naoshima Contemporary Hotel is a wooden and steel structure built on a former rice field in a valley surrounded by mountains. The two main buildings are connected by a covered walkway, with a small central pavilion containing a sunken fireplace. Guests are guided by a series of embedded stones in the ground leading from the entrance to the main building.
主建筑包括入口大厅、咖啡厅、酒吧和EN餐厅。EN餐厅在晚上为客人们供应日本料理或西餐,其中 80%的食材都来自濑户内海。在这里,当地的食材和美食特色得到了强化。
The main building includes the entrance hall, cafe, bar and EN restaurant. The EN restaurant serves Japanese or Western EN in the evening, with 80 percent of its ingredients sourced from the Seto Inland Sea. Here, local ingredients and cuisine are enhanced.

The adjacent annex contains 11 spacious guest rooms, each with its own private bathroom. The rooms are arranged in rows, inspired by traditional Japanese "longya" row houses.
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Nottuo
