建筑师Sangyoon Kim于2013年在韩国首尔创立了Listen Communication计事务所。目前事务所的业务主要涉及领域包括建筑、室内、家具、灯光以及相关联的商业品牌策划与空间设计等。

Architect Sangyoon Kim founded Listen Communication Design Studio in Seoul, South Korea in 2013. At present, the main business areas of the firm include architecture, interior, furniture, lighting and associated commercial brand planning and space design.

“韩屋”是指“以韩国独特的历史形式建造的建筑”,而在Listen Communication设计的最新作品Heritage House中,它作为传统韩屋与当代的结合,不仅在有效地宣扬了优秀的传统文化、建筑及符号的同时,还加入了一些现代的元素,以创造某种文化意义上的平衡与协调。
"Hanok" refers to "a building built in a unique historical form of Korea". In Listen Communication's latest design, Heritage House, as a combination of traditional Hanok and contemporary, not only effectively promotes excellent traditional culture, architecture and symbols, but also promotes traditional Hanok. Some modern elements were added to create a cultural sense of balance and harmony.

Heritage House是一座兼居住、工作和文化活动空间于一体的现代式韩屋。建筑的屋面仍然采用了传统的瓦片,内部以木材为主材,并在天花上使用了椽子来延续传统韩屋的结构。Listen Communication基于现代的生活方式和需求的基础上,对空间进行了重新布局,在保持空间连贯性的同时,赋予空间不同的功能。
The Heritage House is a modern Hanok that combines living, working and cultural activities. The roof of the building is still made of traditional tiles, the interior is made of wood, and rafters are used on the ceiling to continue the structure of the traditional Hanok. Listen Communication rearranges the space on the basis of modern lifestyles and needs, giving the space different functions while maintaining its coherence.

In order to present a better and more comfortable living experience for the occupants, some innovative design details have been created. Carefully designed node structure tightly attracts people's attention, each place can bring people a different sensory experience; Some of the furnishings inspired by nature and the creation of art pieces, hoping to show the nature of the space and a very simple mood of life.

Traditional fabrics, screens or sliding doors are used as space partitions, making the space more "traditional" meaning, stepping into the interior, as if through the past general situation. While framing the external landscape, the glass window visually expands the spatial scale, effectively connecting the indoor and outdoor, even if you are inside, it is like a feeling of being outside.

内容策划 Present
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校对 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :Listen Communication
