ARRCC是一家位于南非开普敦的室内设计工作室,也是SAOTA建筑事务所的姊妹公司,现由Mark RiellyJon CaseMichele Rhoda共同主持。为了配合SAOTA目中室内设计的需求,于1996年成立了Antoni Associates,自2015年重新更名为ARRCC后,现已发展为一个成熟的独立品牌。

ARRCC is an interior design studio based in Cape Town, South Africa and a sister company of SAOTA Architects, currently co-chaired by Mark Rielly, Jon Case and Michele Rhoda. Antoni Associates was established in 1996 to meet the interior design needs of the SAOTA project and has since been rebranded as ARRCC in 2015 and has grown into a full-fledged independent brand.

Glen Villa位于开普敦Table山下一片绿树成荫的场地,为了增进建筑与自然和城市景观之间的联系,ARRCC负责的扩建工程与Antonio Zaninovic最初设计的现有建筑相融合,后建部分包括一个新的花园亭子;顶层的一间卧室扩建为主卧室和一个酒窖以及宽阔的露台式草坪。
Glen Villa is located on a tree-lined site under the Mountain Table in Cape Town. In order to enhance the connection between the building and the natural and urban landscape, ARRCC undertook the expansion project to integrate with the existing building originally designed by Antonio Zaninovic. The later part includes a new garden pavilion. One bedroom on the top floor expands on the master bedroom and a wine cellar as well as a wide terrace style lawn.

ARRCC的首要任务是考虑现代、简洁的建筑形式与自然山坡的有机关系。ARRCC的总监Jon Case说,在城市环境之中,引入Table山的自然能量,激发我们创造一个“城市度假胜地”的灵感。采用展馆式设计方法延续主体建筑的语言,注重其原始材料的特性,并重新使用倒角屋檐和落地玻璃门等单元设计,以塑造独特的环境体验。

ARRCC's primary task was to consider the organic relationship between modern, simple architectural forms and natural hillsides. ARRCC Director Jon Case said: "Introducing the natural energy of Table Mountain in an urban environment inspired us to create an 'urban resort'. The pavilion design approach continues the language of the main building, focusing on the character of its original materials, and re-uses units such as chamfered eaves and floor-to-ceiling glass doors to shape a unique environmental experience.


One end of the new building blends into the landscape, while the other cantilevers from a rocky slope. A walkway connects the pavilion to the main house, whose design is the result of ARRCC's collaboration with local artisans who use raw materials as a medium to showcase the beauty and sheer form of nature and transform it into a unique luxury item. At the same time, the atmosphere of African minimalism and the tone of raw concrete ceilings and rough-hewn stone walls maintain an active dialogue and interaction in the space.


Smooth stone, cable-colored wood, brushed or painted metal are layered on top of the exterior, adding complexity and sophistication to the gritty and earthy tones. The combination of gorgeous furnishings and emotional elements reflects ARRCC's iconic "luxury" concept. The interior's bespoke furniture combines serene elegance with sculptural, functional and timeless qualities, while richly textured wood, leather, fur and textiles are designed to echo the surrounding natural landscape.


内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :W.Yinji
撰文 Writer :Lu JY     校改 Proof:Da Lim
图片版权 Copyright :ARRCC
